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Sunday, 29 April 2007
. 3:47:00 pm

long time nvr post le,
time pass so quickly,
now may is almost here,
n soon it will b e end of yr
n we will go to
sec 3 le,
so sad,go different
classes,n see all e cliques
break up,
den b4 we noe it,
we will b takin
our o-levels.
tis weekend i oso slack at home,
got 5 tests nxt week sia,
im gonna die lor,
byrite i wan to go
cut my hair de,
but no time so gotta wait... :D
arghh!!! i wan to read manga!!!
no more manga 4 me
to read le,
n its killin me!!!
anyway,friday not much schoolin,
release early la,
but not much difference cos poon wan
us stay bac 4 geo,
den aft tat go do D&T
wth hazel,xiufeng n sijie,
our class only our grp n benji nia,
den e rest all different
classes liao,did a lot of bangin
n we actually finish our angel de wing,
but only half of it XDDD
e other half gotta wait 4 e
nxt D&T lesson den
gotta bang e nails into e
wooden plank
... ...again?!
can't stand all e bangin noise,
so loud,
but no choice la,
hu say our grp de
lanturn got so many parts
to finish,
but gotta ammit tat
e wings is really nice!!! :)))
juz realise tat i love D&T a lot
cos dun hav to study,
n can to a lot of
bangin n stuff...

L is so cuute!~♥

Saturday, 21 April 2007
lol~ . 10:47:00 pm

Today is ok also,
voice also cum bac le,
oya,about yst's sports day,
i find it kinda funny
cos the walkin of 1 round
around e stadium is
Wats even stupier
is tat they wan to postpone it to
anothe day,
damn bo liao lor,
waste our time,
even lao tian ye
oso dun wan us to walk
e stupid walk liao,
well,wat cn we do,
bo bian gotta walk lor,
hope it will b on friday oso,
den dun hav to go cca... :)
today only go study
a bit of chem den
go do e D&T de wire frame,
wrap newspaper around it,
do until sum fingers black black,
mom ordered pizza,
im so gonna get fat,
wa lao,got a cut on my finger
when tryin to open e
container n get sum strawberries
den e sides damn sharp,
so get a cut lor,
abt 1 cm long,
haha...im crazy~~~
gettin a cut juz to eat strawberries....
sianz....gotta wait til 1 a.m.
juz to watch animes....
use to sleepin tat late anyway
so not much difference...
i got a borin lifestyle...
hope u will fall asleep wen readin it

L is so cuute!~♥

Friday, 20 April 2007
..... . 9:04:00 pm

Heck la,today sports day,
total waste of time lor.
But every1 did great,
esp those hu run,
n we cheer lik siao,
me half bo voice le,
but still cn shout hahas.
Juz realised tat me rite de stuff
all very borin de,
juz bear wth it la.....muhahaha,
gotta bored all of u to death!!!
3 Cheers!!!
Then our banners damn big,
other classes only use 1 board,
but we use 5!!!
Theirs a bit small,
dun look carefully cannot c clearly,
but ours hor,
u gotta b blind if u cant
c our banner....haha....
today eat only sushi nia,
so wen i reach home almost gastric sia,
den go NTUC wth xiufeng they all
n buy sweets.
tokin abt sweets
it reminds me,
im gonna kill e _____ hu
took e yupi burger on my table
on thursday,cause
benji to accuse me of LOSEIN
e sweet wen i didn't even take
it along wth me lor =.0
dun feel lik postin le,haha
i always post halfway de...lol

L is so cuute!~♥

Tuesday, 17 April 2007
. 4:13:00 pm

Hey,i've postin quite recently huh...
juz got sum spare time nia.
Anyway,todays video journalism tingy
was only so-so nia,
but stil cn take it.
Den aft tat is bio,
man,its was FUN!!!
I love forensic science,
it totally rox ok,
den aft tat rest of e day oso ok la.
To:ppl hu make fun of me today
(u noe hu urself)
stop all these nonsense,
i feel lik slappin u guys ok,
u wan to make e situation embarassin 4 me,
i cn make u land in a situation
100 times worsen dan mine,
so STOP IT!!!


L is so cuute!~♥

Monday, 16 April 2007
. 10:35:00 pm

Hahas....today Raja nvr cum,so shuang,
discuss abt e skygarden de stalls thingy.....
YAY!!! im in e milo dino grp,
haha,so happy,cn go drink it secretly....-_-",i wont b so bad...^,^....anyway,
today acc totally sianz,
cut e swan n e fish,
my swan was a total disater
tat i coundn't even bear to kip it,
so i threw it away.
But my fishy was beta,
juz tat got a part got torn,
e floor was lik damn littered
so stayed back aft sch to sweep e whole clsrm clean
along wth jj n nicole^^
got sum parts of e clsrm was lik a rubbish dump lor,
e whole floor was covered wth bits
n pieces of paper......
Den thunderstorm wen i was abt to leave sch,
Damn happy!!!
i completely e sudoku in e
straits times,
5 stars in difficulty lei!!!
blah~im lame,
nth to write abt,
so juz crap lor....

L is so cuute!~♥

Sunday, 15 April 2007
~~~ . 4:20:00 pm

Bleh~did nth much oso today,juz finish e stupid chinese ws n doin e info report,damn cheeme,now den i noe tat motorcycles go so many parts so go ask my dad where e parts exactly is at. Imagine,i ride motorcycles 4 7 yrs le n still dunno where e parts r... Haha,i wan to ride motorcycle now. Me got few mths nvr ride le,last yr ndp damn shiok lor,me dad use motocycle brin me to sch 4 ndp n brin me bac,esp wen u ridin along e AYE at nite,all e cold wind blowin against u,i love it so much,but reali reali cold lah....brrrrr.... But e sad ting is tat me dad dun wan me go learn how to ride,he say very dangerous,den if e motocycles flip ova very difficult to carry it up cos very heavy....aiiii......total objections lor,so sad,but i reali reali wan to learn.....c 1st ba.....gambatte...


L is so cuute!~♥

Saturday, 14 April 2007
...-_-" . 9:00:00 pm

I was damn pissed off yst by my mom,always arguein very often eva since tis yr,stil wan to care abt my attire,if i walk out of e damn door wth my uni not tucked in n tio caught by here hor,den she will start to say my attire dunno wat wat wat,cant even bother to listen aft so many times of her naggin abt e same ting. Den we will bu huan er san,how bad cn any1 start their day wth,4 gdness sake,den today she go say SOME neighbourhood schs de students wear uni beta dan us SAP sch,n tat we no diff frm neighbourhood schs,i totally feel lik slappin her cos tis is e dunno how many time she repeated e same ting n i hate hearin abt it,den she go say tat AT beta dun call her cos i tink she will go complain abt e uni to him,fuggin hell,cant stand it any longer le....im xplodin sooner or later so stay away frm me...XDDD
Den yst in cls sth happen durin AT's lesson which i choose not to tok abt,i got totally shaken by e whole ting n my body was lik....shakin? but not obvious la,of cos juz cn feel it only,info report cannot rite on same topic meh,juz tat COINCIDENTLY we choose e same 1 nia,doesn't mean anyth rite,so stop teasin abt it along wth e laughin cls ok,u tot e feelin so nice ar,even now e image is stil playin lor,i got so TRAUMATISED by it ok,n zj,u beta stop it,i will make sure u Will get e retribution u mentioned urself on ur blog!!!

L is so cuute!~♥

aiii... . 7:51:00 pm

Did nth much today,juz stay at home doin sudoku nia,kinda got addicted to it cos i dun do sudoku in e past de ma...

L is so cuute!~♥

yay!!! create le blog le!!! . 2:16:00 am

I cn almost hear u guys shoutin hooray out there,lol.
Today eng lesson wasn't reali pleasant at all,got kinda SHAKEN n TRAUMATISED by e whole ting.....

L is so cuute!~♥