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Sunday, 29 July 2007
. 1:00:00 am

decided to post aft a week...
fri have cca,
felt like e most productive week,
did quite a few things,
muz try n rmb wat had happened e whole wk,
lets see...oya,history test on mon,
1st time i memorise til liddat,
feel real good aft e test,
cos i throw everything in...
pray hard hard...
den b4 e test every1 wan me to test dem
(joey,jocelyn,nicole,benji & joy)
joey got kinda pissed
when she's suppose to ans my qns
n other ppl go ans it... :D
hahas,den benji oso,
few days b4 in fact,
started testing him,
he memorise pages by pages,
crazy guy...
e vj course,
quite productive oso,
better than e previous few lessons,
stayed back 4 pbl,
all com labs cant use,
stupid la,
den was searchin 4 a laptop really desperately,
finally borrowed 1 in e end,
den xiaobai,mel n me were like
3 despos searchin 4 a laptop in front of staff rm,
mr cheng pity us n borrowed us 1,
feel really really glad,
we almost decide to give up
n go back home,
den only finished 2 slides in e end -_-,
anyway i was slpin so not much diff,
was real bored n i tink i will not be of much help,
use eye power only nia,
n they wan me to present,
so juz slacked around.
let's see...
no more crazy guy n
stupid gambling workshop,
have story-telling session instead,
quite nice actually,
at least way better than tat workshop XD
lit test was ok...
i tink cher almost told us e qns liao lor,
a bit scard i will get low marks,
joey kinda disappointed aft e test,
den australian maths competition,
sum qns anyhow do,
cos really dunno,
wonder how will i fair...
PBL presentation,
last min explaination to me n vic
cos e other 2 alr know le,
i was like e most gundu 1,
den mel explain til very pekchek,
understand quite a bit but
not e whole thing,
so xiaobai replaced me as e presenter,
but she didn't present,
only went up there to change e slides,
so whole thing only mel present,
real sry guys,
feel as though i did nth,
will present next time k,
cos i tink i didn't contribute much to e grp,
will try n do more de...gambette!!!
i so hate mrs thong or watsoeva u call her,
i tink she oso dun really like our grp as well,
so gonna get low marks 4 e presentation,
bleh...boo her...
AT swoped joey n my seat,
make not much diff,
still change back aft his lesson ended,
protested a bit,
no use la,
so change back without his permission,
haha,he noticed it tmr...
den joey give excuse,
so dun have to change back :P
peilin,u can't guess de,give up ba....
n dun u dare to mention anything on e tagboard...
chinese test!!!
heard tat it was kinda hard,still ok to peilin,
peilin u pro sia,
den aft finish e test joey benji n me
compared our ans...a lot of diff ans,
almost diff in fact when u scan through e paper,
so zi ji bao zhong,
dunno wat e results will be likecos every1 diff ans...
cca was mention earlier,
do things with jenying throughout e cca,
take free thing frm GO,haha,
sch damn rich,take a bit nvm de...
hope next wk will be better...
cant post tat often,mom dun allow,
but tat doesnt give u guys e excuse 4 not taggin!!!

L is so cuute!~♥

Friday, 20 July 2007
. 11:07:00 pm

forced by vic to link her,
she threatened me!!! help!!!
jkjk de la...lol
lets see,today maths PBL lesson,
tat mrs toh or sth de nvr cum,
better off tat way,hate her.
treat us like pri sch kids,
still have to raise our right hands up,
pls la,we did tat in pri sch only lor,
maths was ok,
whole grp go bully me,*cry*,
they wan me go present if we have to,
but luckily dun nid,hahas,phew.
den aft tat AT's eng lesson,
he wan us to sit in e same
maths grp 4 PBL 0.o
so tat means tat we gotta sit in tat same grp
4 2 hrs til recess...sianz
den got pic description,
we were like laughin throughout e lesson,
den vic kena punished,
aft she sit down 4 a while
xiaobai almost got punished as well,
but den she go say tat all e 3 of dem were tokin,
so bcum gorilla got punished instead,
so funny~ :D
i most guai 1,nvr tok when they r tokin,
so nvr tio. :o
so we r suppose to describe tat
not-so-clear pic to grp members,
whole grp laugh til like ki-siao
n damn loud,cos very funny,
we r like e only grp in whole class
tats laughin liddat,really very funny.
i started 1st,mind totally blank,
so anyhow say,dun even noe wat im sayin,
shldn't have say... ...
they kip on suan me lor...
den i kip on 4getin to say e place,
n only touch til a bowl of noodles nia,
so e 3 "judges"(xiaobai,vic,mel) failed me -_-"
not only tat,they gave me a -10,so sad rite...
when its their turn they refuse to let me b e "judge",
call me bystander/pang guang ze/audience :(
hahas,so we go 1 round,
every1 was laughin as usual,
den still rmb xiaobai go say "coffee shop house",
n we started laughin again,
we look like a grp of bai-chi...
next is mel's turn,he even worse than me,
dunno wat to say,still dare say me,haha,
get -20 in e end,now my turn to laugh at u :P
so i retry,was alot more better than e 1st,
at least i passed accordin to xiaobai.
when AT walk over we were still
in e mist of laughin,all e 3 of dem stopped,
but i juz can't,so kept on laughin,
den manage to calm down a bit,
he said nth,heng... 0.0
got back geo test,not as gd as i tot,
kinda disappointed,
dun feel like tokin abt it.
hcl was mostly copyin frm whiteboard,
added quite a lot of my own stuff,
so still quite ok i guess.
aft tat art,sian as usual.
den go cca lor,
nth much liao,borin like always...
oya,rmb sth,
when i was walkin back with jenying to mrt,
saw joey they all,
almost got freaked out by her,
suddenly "pounce" at me in public,
kip on shoutin ****,
as though she nvr see me 4
a few thousand years liao.
only 1 word to describe,
or kong bu...
next time i see her outside better run
in e opposite direction...

L is so cuute!~♥

Thursday, 19 July 2007
. 9:25:00 pm

juz realised tat i didnt post
4 quite a long time liao,
so will be postin now.
yst was sucky,
enrichment was e worst of all,
tis super zi high gay like guy,
his voice is like damn high pitch
4 a guy?
it makes me wonder
if he had alr broken his voice...
our class totally daoed him
when he goes "OIIIIII 203!!!",
no1 replied back,
e only class liddat,
feel so shuang tat we daoed him,
den jocelyn go shout back
"SHUT UP!!!"
shiok man,
joce,ur shoutin totally rocks ok,
i was so glad tat u shout back at him,
den release us 20 mins late,
damn u la,
wan us stay back still dare to
release us late,
den bo lunch,even worst,
i was like a hungry ghost
when i reached home,haha.
but luckily i eat quite
a lot 4 recess cos 'predicted' liao,
so still ok...
today maths pbl,
good way to slack,
each grp get 2 laptops,
den i'm like a laptop baichi?
so i let vic do e stuff,
haha thx,maybe nxt time i help lor.
still rmb e laptop my dad
brought back,
i use til its like....
half-dead? or even worst...
so my dad bo bian go return back lor,
gomen nasai!!!
anyway e laptop is quite out de,
so will not feel so bad!!!
more like zi wo an wei ba...
hcl do wb,
den next wk got around 2-3 tests,
like wan to die liao...
walao,tmr hcl 3 periods,
wan die le...
still hate tat new physics cher,
always mumble de,
juz refuse to open his mouth,
i was thinkin,
"u open ur mouth scare gold drop out frm
it issit?"
hate him...
moreover,quite not-so-smart as well...
haha,post next time on e reason...
stupid art,still haven do yet...

L is so cuute!~♥

Saturday, 14 July 2007
. 11:14:00 pm

dun wanna talk abt fri,
real bad 1,
still got cca,
even worse,
worsest fri eva!!!
dunno wat to tok abt...
peilin cant go movie with me on mon!!!
so sad...
release early,
dunno can go where...
maybe JP ba...
LBK's lessons is one of
e worsest chinese lessons i
ever had...EVER!!!
tat day,
we were arranging our
pathetic chinese files,
den benji go take out e
compo tat he had done on 2/3/07,
man...it was so...red!?
e whole paper was like filled with red ink,
from beginning to end,
every line surely have red ink wan,
den LBK kip on cancellin his sentences,
so i told benji tat
if he go n "move up" e
sentences tat r not cancelled rite,
den it will be only 3/4
of e page long,
he wrote like 1 n a half page lor,
den i say tat
his red ink is more than his blue ink,
haha,i know i very bad,
imagin if he go n
do e corrections in green...
WOAH...tat will be really colourful man...
joey go take pics of it
n posted on her blog,
go n c it at
c joey,i so gd,
go promote ur blog on my blog...

L is so cuute!~♥

Sunday, 8 July 2007
. 10:26:00 pm

my fave
their weapons...
e 3 small cute bionicles

L is so cuute!~♥

Saturday, 7 July 2007
. 10:53:00 pm


decide to post e bionicle pics now...
shall publish more next time...

L is so cuute!~♥

. 7:03:00 pm

long long time nvr post le,
blame it on my parents,
dun lemme use,
so only now den post lor,
but thank goodness me bro help me,
so now den can use.
feel quite emo today,
but now ok le,
thx jocelyn!!!
zzz,yst went to jamiyah home(old folks home),
still ok,not as bad as i tot,
feel sad 4 all of dem there,
den i fed 2 old lady there,
cos their tea-time or sth,
most of dem bo gei one,
so naturally e food they eat r...
den even worst,
communication probs,
almost all of dem r malays lor,
den our whole sch all chinese,
so all u can do is smile
when they talk to u,
dun understand wat they say,
sum of dem quite friendly oso.
was more close with 7 of dem...
overall,still enjoy e experience,
1st time been there,
so yup...
all e best to dem lor.

L is so cuute!~♥