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Tuesday, 28 August 2007
. 6:25:00 pm

ok...i've finally decided to post now,
today i pon-ed geo,history n pe
due to my dental appointment(consultation)
den it happens so tat i reached sch
at 10am exactly which is recess,
i initially tot tat e security guard
is gonna ask me 4 e excuse slip when
i told her tat i have an excuse slip,
in e end she didnt even ask me 4 it
jiu let me go le...XD
poony managed to pass me,
sft seein tat all i nid is a mrk to pass
n she gladly gave me tat mark,
juz a tick out of nowhere... :D
quite thankful 4 tat mark
cos i wouldn't want to see any red
on my report slip(if any)...

mon i was so tired tat i fell aslp durin
e acc free period til aft sch,
n when i finally woke up,
e relieve teacher was gone,
really have to thank vic 4 smackin my table
n tellin me tat she's not takin 185,
or else i would have keep on slpin~

dun noe wat happen to e class lately,
e situation seem to be very tense though,
dun wanna get involved in it,
a conflict regardin PIE maybe?
i really have no idea,
but i juz wanna say tat
if we have any internal conflicts among us,
den other classes would have alr won
half e battle,hope its solved soon... :)
thx sandy 4 helpin me take e worksheets
when i wasn't in sch b4 recess :D

juz found out tat nan hua have a alumni site,
go check it out,
e tagboard have sum students
hu graduated like...20 yrs ago?!
well,wat do u expect frm a 90 yr old sch,
maybe they have sum grannies in their 70s taggin..
k,i sound real bad...

o crap,we still have to study durin teachers' day,
like wat e hell,teachers' day lei,
u still wan to drag til 11.30
n i tell u,e sch will surely release late de lor,
always liddat wan,
den we dun nid to go n visit our primary sch
liao ar huh,damn it la,
very bushuang...
k,i shall chill n relax...

L is so cuute!~♥

Friday, 24 August 2007
. 6:48:00 pm

today had cca,
cher nvr cum so pretty slack,
put up e board outside library though,
everyone go see,i make sure u will swear or curse
aft u c e contents...XD
got back geo,
not so good,
whole class abt half or more failed,
damn e setter,
den when poony was writin e results on e class list,
i tink she use more red pen than blue pen ):
i fail my geo by one mark,
stupid la,one more mark can pass liao,
hope i can get tat 1 mrk frm cher...
dunno wat to post lei... :P
aiya,juz tat i'm feelin a bit perplexed now,
no reason lei...

L is so cuute!~♥

Thursday, 23 August 2007
. 5:09:00 pm

juz realised tat i'm postin weekly,
cos dun feel like postin den
oso nth much to tok abt,
CT juz ended tis tues,
finally can have a break
cos if CT dun end anytime soon
i might go crazy or sth XD
still quite happy with sum of e results,
didn't expect history can get A1,
most happy with science ba,
cos chem n physics get A1 4 both,
but my physics results as compared to other ppl
i feel a teeny weeny bit disappointed...
a wow wow 4 lit,
got an A2,k i noe not very gd,
but 1st time since tis yr got an A i tink...
now e bad ones...
maths i felt e most disappointed out of all subj,
gosh,i almost failed,
but its real hard la den sum upper sec de stuff like matrices,
now i dun even noe we learnin wat lvl de maths,
still got mix sum A maths de things,
like damn confusin la...
eng i didn't put much hope in it so still ok,a B4 -_-"
only left with geo haven take yet,
tink tmr will take,pray hard hard tat its a A1,
or at e very least an A2 den i might get sth :D
pbl was a total disater,
our grp n cheyenne's grp were playin with e rice
tat they had provided until e whole floor was scattered with it,
all due to e lack of rice... 0.o
den sum was pickin rice frm e floor,
which reminds me of e ppl starvin durin world war 2
in s'pore n pickin e precious rice frm floor grain by grain,
so funny la,snatchin over sum rice... ):

L is so cuute!~♥

Thursday, 16 August 2007
. 9:13:00 pm

k,i feel tat i'm extremely slow,
as in like chi dun,
now den realise tat e clock under my tagboard
is in japan's time -_-"
no wonder peilin pointed out tat it looks weird~
juz a quick post...
tis week commons,
very stressed,
had 3 hrs(6 periods) of maths today,
dunno how i've cum tis far,
or rather,how i survived it in sch,
mrs change really very qiang,
dunno how she can stand us,
even though she looked like she's
really stressed out in class,
but all of us were real thankful
tat at least she bothered to revise with us,
at least can clear our doubts.
we had enough maths lesson today
to last us 4 a week,
hate it so much,
all bcos of pbl tat we dun have a chance to revise more,
or else today dun have to chiong so much liao~
hope i wont screw up my maths paper tmr,
real scared la,
my commons is like shit... ...
today we oso got back our physics class test,
was quite ok with e results,
got an A1 so quite happy liao,
didn't expect much in e first place,
benji got 22/25,
i tink his science standard droppin lor,
n he promised me tat if i
coach him well 4 hcl n
he got an A1 4 EOY,
he's gonna give me 20 bucks...
o great,i'm so happy,yay~
*in an sacastic tone* XD
can't be bothered abt it anyway,
chances r very slim as well...
i tink i'm startin to like physics all of a sudden,
maybe oso partly bcos of e results.
dun feel like talkin abt e papers,
still haven revise maths yet,
die liao lor,prepare to see me die tmr.
now i feel really dumb
aft vic told me sth on bus,
y almost every1 misunderstood me
aft they saw my pm on msn,
i'm not refering to *** la,
so stop actin smart,i was referin to another person,
not guy,n i'm not les,
neither is e person an eununch,
so stop sayin tat its *** among urselves,
tat is if u r tinkin its ***.
k,all those stuff above all crap la,
dun have to care abt it,
unless u guilty of cos...wahahaha~~~

L is so cuute!~♥

Thursday, 9 August 2007
the national day post . 9:48:00 pm

i've finally decided to post...
commons comin n i haven start to chiong,
die liao la,no mood to study...
this yr's NDP performance
sad to say,to me is not-so-good.
imagine if u see tonnes of fishes
n sea creature runnin around,
den e costumes is like damn funny n gay la,
i was laughin like siao when i saw e costumes,
poor clementi primary de students,
e costumes seems pretty stuffy to me,
den colours n shape very funny oso,
e only nice thing is e fireworks liao,
den marchin quite ok as well...
gosh....it reminds me of
our NDP practices last yr,
all our efforts,our time,our sweat,
our laughters,n our memories as well,
all flew back to me.
it makes us all realise tat
every single performance we see
durin national day
have all e performers' effort put in.
rmb everyone?(if u perform la)
when a cup of water is so precious to us,
as though we will die of thirst any moment,
everyone rushin to get a cup of water
n share it with their frens?
cum to tink of it,i use to wonder if u put a cup
of water at one end n money at another end,
everyone will rush to get e water first.
i still rmb durin one of e practice tat
we had outside e national stadium,
it was e afternoon at tat time
n extremely hot as well,
when we were restin under e sun,
e whole grp was sharin 2 bottles of water,
28 ppl in a grp lei,
imagine how much saliva e bottle mouth have!!!
but we didnt care at all n drank frm it,
to us,water is e most precious thing at tat time
n i have cum to realise e importance of water.
rmb e extremely hot weather?
e heat frm e sun beat down on us mercilessly,
as though we r food in e process of cookin,
every1 became so black
like charcoal,but sum of us remain e same
cos not much difference in skin tone...opps*
i even wondered if i will get
skin cancer if we continue to practice liddat,
they sick 1,make us practice
in tat type of weather,but e instructors oso la,
at least they r under e sun like us,
but they stay in e shade when we r
at e stadium lor,not fair :(
oya,fei yeo(music cher if u dunno)
cum to tink of it
didn't change much in her skin colour lei,
still as fair n ***,
i tink she stay in e shade all e time
when we r under e hot sun...XP
rmb e make-up?
when even e guys have to put on as well?
i tink its their 1st n only time they will
eva put on make-up,
e make-up artistes all muz be trainees de lor,
so lousy,still rmb e extremely red lipsticks,
every1 go wipe it off aft they put it on
n go 4 e lightest shade XD
i shall list out wat we have to put on,
den u will noe le.
make-up:foundation,face powder,lipstick,
eye shadow,face paint(red n white),
eyebrow pencil(only once).
take extra long la,den its like damn gross,
cos every1 usin e same brush.
n we have to style our hair!!!
every1 have to put on hairspray
with shiny shiny de thing in e spray,
like glitter liddat,den ppl style our hair,
in a kinda weird way,
mine not much difference la,
XF hairstyle damn funny... :D
ahahaha,e bus rides frm our sch to e stadium
was fun!!!
gd time 4 e whole class to have fun
(n eat)2gether,all e freebies we were given,
enough to last us 4 a long time.
den i always slp on e bus n here's my conclusion:
dun slp on SBS buses,damn uncomfortable,
e sch buses r nicer,den when i slp on e SBS bus rite,
head very pain cos knock here knock there,
no place to put ur head,
so i might as well dun slp lor...
errr....wat else...e meals we have!!!
its like gosh...we eat KFC til like we
dun dare to eat anymore 4 e whole mth,
all we have at e waitin area(s'pore indoor stadium)
r KFC n nth else le,dinner all e same,
real sickenin,but have ice-cream sumtimes :)
all our performance,mainly NE show,
NDP preview n e 1 on 9th Aug 06,
all e applause tat we receive aft our performances
made it all so worthwhile,
not to mention abt e 4 cca pts!!!
kkk,i noe its a really long post,
but i'm endin soon liao la...
NDP had made us realise tat
tai2 shang4 san fen zhong,
tai2 xia4 shi2 nian2 gong,
treasure all e memories u have durin NDP
n e memorable experience which
i tink u will nvr 4get 4 life...^v^

L is so cuute!~♥

Friday, 3 August 2007
. 11:41:00 pm

o great...
abt a week nvr post le,
cos too busy/dun feel like postin,
anyway,nadia left on wednesday,
really very sad,
den a few cried,
n she gave almost all of us a letter each,
she's damn niceee.....
we had a farewell party e day b4
so ya,
at least we wont regret tat we
didnt have 1 aft she left,
had pizza n soft drink
n we gave her a board
containin all our msgs 4 her,
quite nice...(i was 3rd to write on it XD)
miss u loads Nadia!!!
she's gonna go back 4 abt a week
b4 cumin back n i tink she
will be studyin in fuhua sec or sth,
but might have to repeat sec 2 again... :(
den lets see...
got back chinese,
was damn disappointed cos i was
expecting better grades than tis,
wats worse is tat benji lose to me
by only half mark!!!
was damn furious when i found out,
shldn't have taught him in e 1st place,
even worse,for free!!!
his chinese like improvin a lot la,
den my standard is like droppin,
can't do anything abt it anyway.
now wait for chem n history results,
next mon physics test,die liao la,
e stupid cher dunno how to teach one,
den kip on makin mistakes
n benji point it out like hell
cos too many liao XD
i'm seriously startin to doubt abt
his capability n knowledge
as a physics teacher,
his notes alr have 5 mistakes,
wat can u expect...as per normal?!
maths pbl damn sian,
i'm startin to hate it very much,
waste everyone's time,
den its like payin sch fees to
learn ourselves,
no wonder nan hua so rich...jk

L is so cuute!~♥