Sunday, 16 September 2007
. 1:14:00 am
ok,i noe,it has been such a long time
since i last blogged,
11 days to be exact,i'm juz lazy to blog,
all e chiongin animes n stuff,
but definately not muggin~
die die die,my EOYs die liao,
haven even start yet,
how how how...
k...shall not whine anymore...
i'm currently watchin bleach now,
i tell u,its real nice,
go watch!!!
den i tink i fell in love with a character?!
its true i tell u,
his my lurveeee,
not e main character though,
but i love his character,attitude,sword.
aiya,basically everything abt him la,
no idea y i love him,
theres this this strong form of attraction?!
i'm all so crazy abt him currently
so pardon me if i go crazy~
can't help it,
i tink 1st time like that,
all i can think abt is him all day!!!
i better show u guys sum of his pics...
i tell u,he damn shuai! XD
awww....he's so cute!!! XD
he look a bit fierce in tis 1 though :D

poor hitsugaya...but he's oso cute in tis 1...

he look extremely manly in tis shuai~

i tink i'm really goin crazy...arrrr~
Labels: HITSUGAYA my love...
L is so cuute!~♥
Monday, 3 September 2007
. 11:59:00 pm
taadaa............i'm finally back,
1st post durin e holidays.
went to e electronic/computer fair at suntec,
its like damn packed cos last day liao,
den i saw all e gadgets i was like wow,
ok,not really wow,
but sum of dem i was real tempted to buy.
initially i wanted to buy e zen v plus,
eye on it 4 quite sum time alr,
but as u noe,i'm pretty fickle-minded so
it doesn't take my father very long
b4 i change my mind,now i'm eyein on another 1 -_-"
its called zen i tink,pretty small,n its an MP4!!!
so i can listen to my favourite music n
browse at e anime pictures at e same time~*drool*
best of all,i dun have to worry abt
havin not enough memory space,
4GB is alr embeded inside it n
u can expand its memory with memory card,
n e nicest thing of all is tat i can afford it,
will burn a big hole in my pocket though,
considerin tat i have only a
pweeny amount of $ i saved,it costs 249 bucks...
o great,it almost cost as much as my hp,
n i will have to start savin all over again :(
in e end instead of buyin a mp4 4 myself,
my father bought a PDA,or rather,i tink its a PDA,
called HTC TOUCH,e 1 u see on tv i tink,
cos its like offer,2 for $1108 or sth around there,
den my dad shared with another person
hu oso only wanted to buy one,
so he paid abt 600 bucks includin tax n stuff,
its nice man,e whole thing touch screen,
den u can surf e net wirelessly,
love it a lot,u can flip e screen too,
can "fight" with e iphone liao,
has a 2 megapixel camera and...
they give u a 1 GB microSD card!!!
so i dun have to worry abt memory again,
can store as many video/picture/music as i want,
ok,aft talkin so much,
its only half mine cos i didn't pay 4 it?
i'm sharin it with my father,
so i will be switchin between htc touch
n my current hp,
unless i have enough $ to pay 4 it of cos.
which i seriously don't.
so my father,
knowin tat i have this "money prob",
offered me a very tempting offer,(???)
he will give me e htc touch 4 free
if only i choose not to put on e braces
which cost abt $3000 when e pda
cost abt 600 bucks,
see e difference?
pretty smart move of his,
cos he doesn't see e point 4 me to put on braces.
anyway,now me n my father
r playin n experimentin it together,
must learn all its function in e
shortest time without readin e manual
cos e manual is like 190 or more pages,
mind u,they only have e english version,
readin all of it will take me 4ever,
might as well test it out n
refer to e manual when i really dunno.
they give like 1 extra stylus in case we break it
n oso this earpiece,but e person say must
take extra care when usin
cos that type of earpiece is still not so
common in e market,lol.
i want to bring it to sch n test out e wi-fi,
see can use a not,if can den i can sign in msn
n surf wirelessly liao :D
shucks,i didn't even realise that
i talk a whole shit lot of crap abt gadgets...
if u want see htc touch n its function
n check it out...
i just loveeeee electronic fairs...
today go make spectacles,
frame purple colour de,
cost $80,pretty cheap i guess,
which means that i can change frequently :)
try out e pda on e train n play e games,
only 2 games nia,solitair n bubble breaker,
but i always love solitair so i dun mind.
had dinner n went to my grandma's house
aft that cos nearby nia,
den long time nvr go liao...*guilty*
i go there oso can't talk to her cos
i can't speak hokkien,plus i dun understand sum of it :(
language barrier u see...
real happy,these 2 days... ... :D
P.S. i dunno y e format weird weird one...but still can read rite...
Labels: G.A.D.G.E.T.S~
L is so cuute!~♥