Monday, 10 March 2008
. 4:38:00 pm

my birthday was yesterday but was busy doin hmwk so nvr use com :(
at least i'm updatin my blog now :D
i know its always half-dead n the last time i posted
was such a long time ago liao,
wadever la haha >.<
yst got strawberry cake,i seriously prefered chocolate more,
but my bro got slight fever so didn't take choco
received angbaos n more angbaos,
in fact,all my presents so far r angbaos,only 3 haha,
then deardear n lixin plannin to give me so
i shall say a big THANK YOU in advance :D
n oso to those hu wished me happy birthday :D
mid-year timetable is out,
which is depressin cos its gettin closer n closer day by day
but at least last 3 days of mid-year i dun have to go
cos all the subjects i'm not takin XD
today went back 4 maths,
i tot i saw that dead cat frm faraway but i'm not so sure,
it was totally flattened out,
like a.... ...roti prata,ya a roti prata,
den after that go eat luch with hui ying at mos burger,
i wan try their tako burger!
aiya anyway,this holiday can only describe
using 2 words: NO LIFE
like WTH,our holidays only 1 week nia n still have to go back
from monday to thursday,moreover,
our hmwk is like 1 big stack,
didn't mr foo say that gd teachers do not
teach on the 1st n last day of sch?
they teach nvm,but still throw us hmwk,
1 subject at least 2 to 3 hmwk lor,
haha,really random stuff...
anyway,our class tee was out 2 weeks ago,
i go yinkar's blog n kope e class photo taken durin
the road run,nice rite? but sum ppl not in e photo...
L is so cuute!~♥