Saturday, 28 June 2008
. 10:17:00 pm
er ok today flag day,
went to yuhua market,not bad,as in
e ppl quite generous la.
so receive quite a lot i guess,as compared to
anqi they all haha....
but teddybear is sick!
her can almost full le la....
hahas....den we give each other nickname,
lixin bcome tatty,i bcome fashy?!
den huiying bcome Cheapo,HAHA!
den jen ing bcome.... ...trevy.....*smirks*
so yea,aft we returned our cans,
me n huiying,i'll call her hy as short-form la,
o ya,so where was i?
ah ha! we went to Lot 1.
go there eat lunch n shop 4 a bit.
i bought a hitsugaya poster!!! *squels*
den we go look 4 CD cos hy nid to buy,
but decided to go JP search n see if got others.
so we take mrt n change side at JE mrt lor.
den wen we waitin 4 train to go boon lay at JE,
tis guy walk over n stand beside me 4 no good reason.
den he suddenly go ask me qns like,
"so u monday got school?" in chinese,
so i went "er ya...." cos i a bit dense mah,
den didn't suspect anyth.
e train came n we board it,den hy was
sorta freaked out by tat guy so she whispered
tat we walk to e end of e train.
he didn't follow us but i started to feel freaked out abt it.
den wen we alight at boon lay mrt rite,
we saw viictoria n said hi.
aft tat when we take e escalator down he
suddenly appeared out of nowhere behind us
n said hi to me,i was thinkin WTF?!
so i asked him,"Who r u?",
he didn't reply anyth n smiled.
i tell u,i was totally freaked out la,
damn scary can?
boon lay mrt got gates at 2 sides mah,
so wen we tap our cards at
e row of gates nearer to Jp rite,
he followed us lei.
den hy grab me n say walk slowly,let him
walk in front of us n we did lor,
he disappeared into e crowd soon after.
its friggin super duper totally scary n freakish man!
den tat guy looks like he's abt 20+,
i suspect he's an otaku but wadever....
wen we waitin 4 our bus bus to come rite,
we was like lookin around la,
in case he really go follow us until there.
L is so cuute!~♥
Friday, 27 June 2008
. 4:21:00 pm
ARGH!!!! NOOOOO!!!!!
i became library club de chairperson,
some1 pls let me dieeeeee!
even though i somewhat expected it liao,
or rather,si bian tai told me e day b4,
but somehow it hasn't sink in fully yet.
its so pressurizing la,
den suddenly i feel stressed out cos i have to
handle a lot of things n host meetin n stuff,
den still have to report back to ms chng,
wan die liao lor,gg.
dunno how to adapt lei,its as if thers a heavy
weight on my shoulder now,
n its only e beginning nia,
i dunno how i'm gonna survive.
so now mayb i take 1 step at a time liao lor,no choice.
tis term our geo n SS teacher change liao,
4 once i didn't fell aslp during these lessons,
paul ling's teachings improved as well :D
L is so cuute!~♥
Sunday, 22 June 2008
. 12:59:00 pm

Group 8 ROCKS!

i'm gonna miss e camp sia...
hmwk all haven finish yet....DIE!
i love grp 8A!!!
haizzzz......gotta do hmwk le,o ya,e timetable out on asknlearn le,
go check it out so yea,
tmr go back sch,den i tink nid change seats :(
pray hard hard!!!!
taa taa~
L is so cuute!~♥
Saturday, 21 June 2008
. 1:23:00 am
so ya,i'm back frm e malaysia camp liao,
its really quite fun lor,dun wan to come back XD
i tink tis post is gonna b pretty long n wordy so
i'll post it in huiying's format haha :D
DAY 1 we assembled friggin early in e morning in schboard e bus n spent a few hours travellin to Port Dickson,reach there liao den go to our respective rooms,initially i'm suppose to b with ting huan they all de,budden i switched with dawn so i'm sleepin withweishan,yixin,eunice,shi teng n evelyn.well,all of them r really nice but e room turns out really messy hahan e room is like infested with ants?byrite we have sea rafting de,then it turns out tat its rainin soeverything was postponed to e next day,at least we get to stay in our own rooms,e rooms have air-con so not bad lor,den theres a door connected to e next room which happens to b e 1 ting huan they all stay in,so if teacher suddenly check all we have to do is run to each other de room can liao,pretty lucky haha>.<
DAY 2 pretty hectic day lets see....o ya,we start out with CIP,took an hour to get to e children's home,den we help dem with e pillow making stuff by makin e symthetic fibres fluffier,i know its very lame n sian n stupid,but at least we r doin sth.den some ppl play with e children lor.lunch at e eagle ranch resort which was pretty good,at least they dun give shitty food la.we went for e jungle trekkin thing next den learn how to set traps,tried it out hands-on,but whole grp i tink its timothytats doin e trap-setting lor,e rest juz watched nia,but i did contribute by throwin a branch into e trap ok....den we r suppose to go to e beach n dig up 10 lala or shellfish, aiya wadever u call it la...they cooked it n we get to eat it,along with e chicken they freshly killed,used leaves to take e cooked chicken,natural tissue paper mah...all e houseflies was like flyin around la,n they r friggin big,theres so many there lor....surprisingly e chicken n miny lala tasted not bad,pretty good actually,we tried to catch a monkey but in e end tat monkey not stupid so nvr tio caught by e trap lor :( next we have sea rafting!!!its friggin fun la,even though our grp is 1 of e last to complete,WE CAME IN 1ST!!!wahaha,every1 was like so united even though we r frm diff. class,we went "1,2 PUSH! 1,2,PUSH!" n we were wayyy ahead of every1!some of e guys oso shouted which was so rare?!frm wad i heard i tink some of e grps de raft got stuck in e sand?!i dun wan to b bad but i can't control my smirk...=.=mayb they didn't run deep enough b4 takin off HAHA i tink we were e fastest among all e grp cos mrs lee says we were faster than e 1st grp frm e ealier sea rafting batch. :D:D:Daft we dismantled e raft,i accompanied ting huan to e first aid house coson our way up she suddenly fell n got dragged a bit,there were multiple scratches on her legs la,she was beside me on e raft n e guy behind her oso fell cos e land was steep n e front ppl suddenly move very fast....aft dinner have e stupid night walk,nth much actually,but we get to enjoy e sea breeze n e area have totally no lights so have to brin night johnathan quek go check our room la,scare me to death,then quickly change room with dawn through tat connecting door lor,so nvr tio caught haha.
DAY 3 we did e obstacle course 1st today n my old shoe only get half wet in e dunno wad tunnel nia,e water is like so muddy n stinky can?e instrutor commented tat we r one of e most united grp he saw*claps* *cheers* e guys helped out e most here, every1 was supportin each other in case tat person fall,den we r suppose to climb over this wall which is few metres high,i was like wth i so short how to climb?so 2 guys was on e top to pul ppl up n leon or dunno hu lift ppl up,den when i'm almost up there i cant grab e edge of e wall cos my hand not long enough =.=den we have to swing across tis pool of muddy water,i didn't get wet though,but aft i reach there i almost slipped n fell cos it was kinda steep n slippery ma. archery was next n it was friggin nice!i'm addicted to it la...half my arrows hit e board but got no bullseye :( abseilin turns out ok,n i tink i've almost conquered my aerophobia!hooray! i was like bouncin on n off e wall la,pretty fun n....stupid :/ went to mid-valley 4 shoppin,its like so big la,makes S'pore de look pathetic....bought a few stuff....we checked out of e resort n went to Petrosain,its like e Science Centre but kinda different,they gave us too little time so didn't get to play much :( got to sleep in 4-star hotel finally!!!we damn lucky la,get to sleep in deluxe suite lei,shared e room with anqi n ting huan, den our room number damn easy to rmb, 1888.funchung,weishan n yixin was over at our room when 1 big grp of teachers knock on our door cos they saw me,W.S n Y.X wat to do? hide e 3 of them la,or else sure abt 7-8 teachers went into our room with funchung hidin in toilet,weishan n yixin hidin in e cardboard,damn scary la,den miss yeo go say "do u know tat u all r very lucky to get this room,i shld b sleepin in this." like wth?!nicholas liu go ask me y 3 of us runnin den i say we saw a grp of teachers n got scared,he continued to ask wat we doin outside e room at tis hour den i say "we go borrow pad." u shld look at his expression manz,damn funny la,another guy teacher asked e same qns he go tell him "woman thing"ahaha...u shld see it urself man,damn rare yeo was standin really near e cardboard as though she's abt to open it la,super scary can,so ting huan go stand in front of e cardboard talk to ms yeo lor,if she open den we die,n funchung was in our room,even worse la...aft they left they were still outside our room lor,n makin sure tat they r gone,we let e 3 of dem out n aft a while funchung left by e emergency exit n W.s n Y.X stayed back.byrite we wan to go to yin kar's room de lor cos a lot of 306 ppl there mah,but on e way stupid ms yeo caught us,luckily we asked W.S n Y.X walk 1st,so theres a distance. me,anqi n ting huan was walkin slowly behind n then ms yeo go ask wad we doin den we say we borrow pad,W.s n Y.X oso say borrow pad,den we went to e 22nd floor,ms yeo still tot we on 21st floor lor,i almost smirked manT.H say A.Q suddenly have a period but ms yeo dun believe la,den W.S say they borrow pad finish le on e way back to room,ms yeo dun believe go ask dem take out,luckily anqi prepared 1 juz in case lor,or else die e end we managed to get back safely but can't go to 306 gathering :(cos if tio caught again we can't say anyth liao,so sorry 4 not goin guys,stupid teachers....den we went to slp at around 3 plus,e bed damn nice :)
DAY 4 we went up to KL tower n go do e walk in a forest nearby,nth much de lor,juz climb steps n walk e stupid bridge nia,den aft tat travel back to s' 3 n 4 we had lunch at restaurants,so nice sia....n andrew was really fuuny,abt his long hair... XDok,i've spent a few hrs on tis post wan to die liao
L is so cuute!~♥
Sunday, 8 June 2008
. 4:39:00 pm
What the Beach Test Says About You |
You are a loner, and you're fine with that. You find the most fulfillment in solitude. And you never feel more lonely than when you're in a crowd.
You fall in love with ease and confidence. Even if you've had bad experiences in the past, each new love is a reason to start completely over.
You are deeply passionate about several things in your life. You're not passionate about much... and the few passions you have are truly obsessions.
Your sense of humor is goofy and silly. You are good at making almost anyone laugh. |
Your Ice Cream Personality: |
You are an incredibly modest person. You don't feel comfortable bragging about yourself... or even receiving complements.
You have a wild reputation, but you're not as wild as you seem. You take risks, but only measured risks.
You are a somewhat open minded person, but deep down you're fairly conservative. You don't like trying new things very much. And if you do find something new you like, you stick with it.
You are a natural multitasker. You feel alive when you're doing more than one thing at a time.
You can be a big dramatic and over the top sometimes. You are bold in every way |
The Ice Cream Personality Test
Your Response is: Flight |
You rather leave then deal with a dangerous or uncomfortable situation. You can't deal with too much drama or stress. It's really hard for you to cope.
You are easily scared, freaked out, or intimidated. And while it's good to be prudent, not everything may be as freaky as it seems! |
How Do You Respond: Fight or Flight?
You Are 40% Emo |
You're definitely not emo, but you do understand emo people a little. You are introspective, but not to the point of driving yourself crazy. |
You Are Internal - Realist - Empowered |
You feel your life is controlled internally. If you want something, you make it happen. You don't wait around for things to go your way. You value your independence and don't like others to have control.
You are a realist when it comes to luck. You don't attribute everything to luck, but you do know some things are random. You don't beat yourself up when bad things happen to you... But you do your best to try to make your own luck.
You have a good deal of power, but you also know the pecking order. You realize that working the system does get you further. You know who to defer to and who to control. When it comes to the game of life, you play things flawlessly. |
The Three Dimension Luck and Power Test
You Are Profoundly Disturbing |
You're weird, freaky, and maybe even a little psycho. You aren't just attracted to darkness - you thrive in it. Your interests are downright creepy, and you may even lack normal human empathy. While there's no harm in enjoying the macabre, remember to keep your vilest thoughts to yourself! |
Are You Disturbingly Profound or Profoundly Disturbing?
You Are a Night Person |
For you, there's nothing worse than having to get up and moving early. In fact, you probably don't hit your peak until well after the sun has set. So if your struggling to make it on a normal schedule, realize it's not your fault. You just weren't meant to do anything during the day! |
Are You a Morning Person or Night Person?
hahas i tink its very true,i'm really a night person,wat do u expect when i slp at around 4.30am in e holidays...
L is so cuute!~♥
Saturday, 7 June 2008
. 7:07:00 pm
yay!!! 306 finally have our own blog!
was doin some mass linking just now n
e class gathering on 3rd june was FUN!!!
its our class birthday also haha....
too bad jen ing didn't come,
we were asked by ppl at least 5 times y
she didn't come lol,i wan to play pool,1st time play it,
very noob haha,den me,teoh yi,wei shan n sylvia was like
anyhow play e mahjong cos we only
know a little,kept on playin dai di until pretty sian...
most of e ppl was helpin out with e preparation of e food 4
e bbq but i dunno where most of e guys went =.=
me,huiying n andre were like e main bbq-ers 4 e day,
most of e food was prepare by us :D
of cos with e help of a lot of ppl la XD
den we were like celebrating siang yu's birthday as well
since his birthday is e 4th june,
but quite a lot of ppl went back liao :(
den they were like smashing part of e cake into
his FACE..... LOL,it was like friggin entertaining la,
he was like running away n wen he came back,
he still got smashed by e cake =.=
e whole thing was really nice,
seeing everyone helpin out at e bbq n interacting,
too bad some ppl cannot make it :(
L is so cuute!~♥