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Sunday, 23 May 2010
. 9:23:00 pm

bleh,3 project,half down,
2 and a half more to go :/
i screwed up my biophysics presentation,damn,
shud have brought my card up ><
anyways,now we r left with the formal report part XD
kenjutsu is fun fun fun :D
but that andre dun wan go le,
he's sticking to his wing chun,
no wonder ppl call him IPman ahaha....
but nvm,still got hiok ann in kenjutsu :D
argh....karma...im gonna believe in u now....
long story anyway so yea.....
damn....facebook is laggin again :/
oh ya,kenjutsu is gonna have grading exercise in september,
den if we pass we'll move from entry to intermediate lvl :D
n there's this competition in Sep too,
its against Republic poly n some other outside ppl i think,
i hope i wun die too early X.X
DNA isolation!!! more micropipetting tmr :D:D:D
so many stuff to do but im lazy gahhhh....
woots,im eating sweets during lessons every single day lol,
love my lock n lock container XD
anyway,this guy in my class is creeping me out,
like seriously freaking me out to the point
my fren ask jiarong(gentle giant XD) to b the bodyguard LOL,
everyone agreed its freakish/creepy
damn....3 yrs.....I'll survive....i hope....

L is so cuute!~♥

Monday, 17 May 2010
. 8:42:00 am

in sch now,at 8am in the morning,
doing some weird project,and the air-con is friggin cold :/
srsly,i have 3 ongoing projects,2 due this week,wth...
so yea...we went shopping on Sat,
do the shopping thingy for IDEA project,
went to clarke quay,tat sticky shop haha,
spent $8.30 on sweets n lollipop :X
gosh,im srsly gonna get fat XD
den b4 we went for the shopping thing
i went back SP for kenjutsu haha,
hiok ann oso there,
den er did some sparring n stuff like tat,
i overstretched my right calf muscle again >.<
lols...1st time i sparred with this female senior,
she likes aiming for my head...wth...,
luckily got helmet haha XD
den 2nd time i sparred with another senior,guy lai de,
once again,i hate my short arm :X
but u can tell he purposely let me hit him de haiz,
the instructor ask the senior to lower the notch so yea...
he like 放水 until very obvious la,
let me hit 3 times continuously -.-
so yea...went to Sunflower at city square mall,
asked abt their yukata,den they say they will send me email
with all the yukata designs n stuff,
wait until now still haven send >.>
so yea,i was playing fb game juz now,
my fren kip on disturbing me,
u know thinkpad got the red dot cursor right,
my fren kip on disturbing me den my game screw up ><
lalala,so sian....

L is so cuute!~♥

Friday, 14 May 2010
. 1:04:00 am

here i am blogging when im suppose to be sleeping :/
oh wells,i wanna blog b4 i forget/get too lazy XD
last Sat's kenjutsu was fun,we learned ashi kihon
(fundamental 'aim-for-leg' technique)
den er i actually enjoyed myself,
we actually get to spar with the master n current club members,
we get to use any weird techniques we wan
n can aim at any part of the body except for the *ahem*,
but the minute their sword touch our leg,
we r out so the next person's turn totry :D
i sparred with the master,
its like theres a long queue of guys waiting to spar with him,
manage to stab once :/ my hand too short so i got too close ><
so anyway,there was abt 50+ ppl i think,
didnt count,n theres like 6 girls? x.x
we r rare species there LOL
then i saw hiok ann there oso,
he go for fun,then tat time i ask him he say
he not joining any -.- tio scam XD
planning to continue but every month need pay $30 ):
i heard outside every month cost $120 >.<

went to VJC on tuesday for japanese tea ceremony,
it was organised by NUS Sado club n vjc invited us,
travelled all the way to bedok....wth....
so yea,learned quite a bit,
they wear yukata...nice :D
now i wan yukata too ):
sheesh,i wan lots of expensive stuff :X
lets juz say vj's ppl weren't too friendly =.=
anyway,i shall call jap cultural club JCC,
shorter :D
NUS's version is slightly diff from SP's,
diff school i think,
as for vj....i dun even think they have tea ceremony =3=
anyway,i was talking to a yr 2 senior who was beside me,
he's in triple E course den we were trying to see
who can sit in the seiza(kneeling) position the longest XD
i lost (obviously),didnt check how long i lasted though,
got 1 senior can sit like tat throughout the ceremony :D
paid 6 bucks =.= everything needs money wth...
den when it ended i gotta travel all the way back
from bedok to boon lay,22 stops XD
luckily i got bring lappy so i used it on the train :D
i heard that SPJCC have yukatas tat we can borrow :D:D:D

now i have 3 ongoing projects :/
IDEA,biophysics n RWP(report writing),
super sian la,
oh ya,this wk our bio practical we were doing on heredity -.-
'dry' practical we call it,tat means no chemicals involved,
i was counting corn n looking at close-up pics of fruit flies LOL
tats like....lame? anyway,get to see chromosomes so
still ok la haha,
den we gotta find out whether we r taster or non-taster
so theres this poisonous chemical,
myomin prepared 2 diff concentration de,
we start with the lower 1,
den er take a strip of cut-up filter paper,
dip into the solution n place it on ur tongue to taste,
i cldn't taste anyth for lower conc,
my class got 2 guys the minute they taste
they ran for the basin,they say super bitter LOL,
we gotta rinse our mouth after each time(poison X.x),
den the higher conc i manage to taste some bitterness,
not too bitter though,juz tat the taste stays
in ur mouth for a while XD
next wk pract is gonna be hell,
doing isolation of DNA,den the experiment super long
so we have to continue on the next next wk,
total 6 hours :/
den er the audrey say much teach how to count dna,
use micropipette,different chemicals for the expt
cos diff labs use diff kind, den er
she was telling us today this chemical is toxic,
tat chemical is neurotoxic,
tats not very assuring ya know,
im starting to fear for my life lol....
life's like that :\

L is so cuute!~♥

Friday, 7 May 2010
. 11:06:00 pm

friday,the day we have our dreaded 3 or 4 hours break,
we ate at koufu for 1.5 hrs,
den on the way to the library we saw fluffy n
joined the rest of the class in karaoke,
they booked the room for an hour,
costs $10 for a room,the room quite big :D
but their songs like nvr update de lei >.<
lots of funny moments,
n of cos i didn't sing,i CAN'T sing lol....
after the thing ended we went to the library to slack :D
lol,my chem lecturer keep on saying
'nunpolar' when its nonpolar,whole class laugh like crazy
but i think we made the buddy class ppl pissed off
cos we too noisy :X but comon,
more lively that way mah,they too serious liao,
they look like the muggin sort :X
though,we planned to own them after
what tat audrey(cell bio lecturer) said,
i wanna see their look when we score higher than them sia...
then the buddy class's quiet is the serious kind of quiet,
406's kind is the 'we don't wanna answer kind of quiet',
though i gotta admit,it can get too noisy at times x.x
geez,one of my biophysics lecturer reminds me of mr wee sia XD
going for kenjutsu cca trial tmr with andre,
he got 3 katanas,super cool right?
lols....he planning to buy a 4th one :D
planning to join foster programme,
took the form alr,wanna go back nh
for benny's tutoring programme,we'll see how it goes (:
argh,biophysics presentation on wk 5,
our group is doing on nanobiotechnology,
hope it goes well XD

P.S. hy u wanna go sunshine plaza? i nvr go b4,so i wan some1 pei me,
n er got other reasons too.....long story lol,
june holidays go oso can :D

L is so cuute!~♥

Tuesday, 4 May 2010
. 10:34:00 pm

gosh,we r going shopping on wk 5 as part of IDEA,
btw,IDEA stands for innovation,design and enterprise in action,
dunno the details yet though,hope its fun (:
i absolutely adore my lab coat,it has my name on it,
-hugs it-
oh wells,as i mentioned before in the previous few posts,
we gotta use our blood for cell bio practical right,
i lost to my lab partner so yea,gotta use my blood,
he was sick anyway so i wouldn't wan to use his =.=
anyway,each of us gotta "donate" 2 drops of blood,
den we have to use a lancet to prick our fingers,
myomin help us prick though,
den byrite all of us thought very pain,
it turns out its stupid la,
when the lancet pricked me i was thinking,
'tats it? liddat only ar? chehhhh' LOL
or as quoted from fluffy,"wow"
tmr chem practical,haven read the protocol yet zzz,
den after tat got chem make up lesson,
gotta go back to lab to practice my microscope skills,
my fine-tuning quite lousy >.<
i think i'll go back nh tmr haha :D:D:D
gotta use my persuading skills liao :X
today after sch we webcam like a bunch of crazy ppl again (:
too bad fluffy not with us ):
lol,quite fun la,keep on laughing and laughing :D
oh n i just realised there's a wooden swing outside moberly :D

L is so cuute!~♥