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Saturday, 28 August 2010
. 1:55:00 am

2am in the morning,YOG break ending soon,
not like we have much lessons next week,
from wad i heard,mon tues wed no lesson,
thurs cell bio quiz n fri optional maths (Y)
but still,mon have to go back to hand in cell bio report n 4 datasheets :/
the report is horrible,reasons why it sucks:
1)its homework,n all homework sucks
2) its damn difficult,i can literally feel my brain juice drying up
3)she actually have to pick THAT out of 6 experiments
4)I did the materials&methods part 1st n its alr 5 pages long
5)its a waste of paper n ink
6)she's expecting year 1s to write a report abt an experiment of university level
7)we don't even know how to determine the blood type from the gel photos,
she said she will teach us in the end never,thanks a lot :/
8)too many damn details to take note of
9)there's 4 friggin gel photos for us to look at n determine the result n thats a lot
9)the experiment took us 3 lab sessions (3 hours per session) to complete
10)sucky results doesn't help much
there u go,10 reasons.....
seriously,she ask us go print this science journal thing from this university
n the experiment is exactly the same,
i was checking SP library catalouge n i found a final-year project
done by last yr's year 3 which is quite similar X.X
im expecting my report to b at least 25 pages long :/
now i know how joel teoh can write a 30 page report in uni >.<
i borrowed 3 books from SP library just for this report :/
haha i shall attach a gel photo for fun

lane 6 n 7 is my results,only 1 band then its considered gd,
lane 3 is a gd 1 so yea,

lane 1 and 8 are 2 markers to tell us the weight of the DNA fragments,

dunno who go load it the opposite way,

lane 1 marker shld be in lane 8 n vice versa -.-

u can see that ours have a LOT of bands for 6,

7 still ok,n i think it isnt even our fault,

ok wadever,im lazy to elaborate

currently in a pissed off mood,

n leonard n howard r scared of me now.

their reason? 1st time see me pissed off for 2 days XD

lets just say a certain someone pushed the wrong buttons

n it became intolerable for me,

hy u know this person too,if u wan ask me on msn XD

on a side note,kenjutsu is sucking my money again,

buy equipments $316,grading $30,competition $10 :X

im going broke at this rate,grading is at RP,

at least we get to see wad a real dojo is like :D

i doubt we'll be getting our equipments soon,

still have to wait for them to ship in fro USA :/

well at least its not some made in china thing XD

teachers' day! SP have this celebration thingy whereby

students will invite their sec sch teachers over n well,

we watch performance n celebrate lor,nice thing,

they help us prepare card n gift,i asked them n found

out its a mug,tie ribbon on the box somemore XD

i wrote something in advance so they actually typed it out

n tie it tgt with the card :D

so yea,they even help us invite the teachers

so we literally only have to write nia XD

i invited benny over haha,

they say cannot invite teachers thats not in the sec sch anymore :/

after the performaces n other stuff still got buffet :D:D:D

can tell benny quite happy haha,

he said it was a surprise :D

so yea,we talked abt stuff here n there,

1 of my fren invited 4 teachers O:

they still specify which table we have to sit at

n heard that they count they exact number of chairs XD

the whole setting like in some hotel ballroom liddat XD

SP too rich XDXDXD

(the format changed after i attach the photo n its adding fuel to my not-very-good mood now)

so yea....back to the report,hope i will survive


L is so cuute!~♥

Friday, 13 August 2010
. 9:28:00 pm

went back to nanhua as usual yst,
saw noel!!!! omg haha,she hugged me super tightly :D
missed her,n everyone,so yea,
its a pleasant surprise to see her back in nanhua haha,
i see james,yixie n hiok ann almost every thursday so yea,
i guess i became a lot more closer to the 3 of them now,
we r like the only 4 ppl from 406 that go back nanhua frequently,
oh wait,there's also yong zhuang,but he comes back to only
play soccer nia -.-
so yea,occasionally (twice) i stay back after the tutoring session
to help them out with night study
(actually i stay back also extra cos im not doing anyth XD)
hmm,yixie helps me out every thurs,
den weds he will help out hiok ann's tutor group,
heck,i see both of them every week,
saturday me n hiok same cca -.-
win liao,every week he gets to gl me =.=
i have such a sad life T_T
anyway,i stayed back after the tutoring session to catch the
yog torch relay going past nanhua yst,
i was lazy to sign up for the one at SP,
so yea,james n yixie were with me,
james pangseh hiok hahaha,
hiok was at SP then the 3 of us at nanhua :P

yog break now,rotting at home,
too lazy to do report (again!) and datasheets....
if u r wondering y im posting that bunch of
crap up there ^ its cos well,
i got gl-ed by hiok thru sms a moment ago,
apparently today's night study they very free -.-
i ask him to do the gl-ing tmr b4 cca
cos waste my sms n he friggin replied 'y wait???'
im like :/ so yea,i ask him to disturb yixie instead
n it turns out he's gl-ing to both of us AT THE SAME TIME,
talk abt no life..... :/
the dizzy spelles r back again ~.~
mayb cos of all the late nights....
stupid howard,talk n lepak with him until 4am @.@
oh wells,watching bamboo blade nowadays
cos howard say im too similar to the main character,
Tamaki btw,n my oh my,we really r so damn similar,
heck,even our body posture r similar XD
the only difference is that she's damn pro at kendo
n i damn suck at kenjutsu :/ oh wells,
at least its not bad,heh heh,
hopefully i learn smth from the anime den
can use during kenjutsu :D

L is so cuute!~♥

Friday, 6 August 2010
. 10:25:00 pm

chem test today,
peer marking,i got 31/50,
initially my buddy class(they marking our paper) tell me my score
i tio stun cos i tot it'll be lower -.-
serious,nothing went in when im revising....bleh,
got a C,mst also get C :/ mati.....
luckily still got the aspirin report n lab to pull up haha :D
this wk.....damn slack,mon 1 hr of maths,tues 1 hr rwp,
wed no sch,thurs start at 9 instead of 8 cos got GEMS briefing,
today 3-5pm for test n marking of papers \^^/
so yea,practically half of my class n buddy class cheated,
be it copying ppl's ans or changing the ans to the correct 1 -.-
as for myself.....i only changed 1 mark worth of ans -.-
correct ans is AlCl3 i nvr put Al in front so i added after i realised its the correct ans lol
but hey,at least i didnt do wad 50% of them r doing....
my fren even best,copy ans still can fail the paper de =.=
another only get 10/50 o.o
ohohoh,1 guy didnt even turn up (Y)
n oh,go look at my fb photos,
got 1 guy tag me de,its this msn chat thingy,damn funny :D

jealous right? haha,jiayou for ur PROMOS eh,sure can de la,
me got confidence in u :D
hmm....as for GEMS,its general elective modules,
we gotta take 3 within our 3 yrs,
1 during next semester n 2 in yr 2,
n 1 must b from business,another from arts&humanities
n 1 from science&technology,
its basically for u to learn things outside ur course n
meet every1 from everywhere :/
they have a whole long list of it,
ranging from building ur pc to etiquette
to financial planning to film appreciation....
n the super popular ones must 'fight' with other ppl de,
i have seniors hor,their appointment time for them to
logon to system to choose their GEM is 9am,
they 8.45am alr camp there liao,
so the minute it reaches 9 they click n submit....
really kiasu,kiasi n kiabo....
cos its sorta 1st come 1st serve haha,
i plan on doing that too XD
hmm,i shall take the gem 'know ur rights' first then,
then my business de gem clear liao,
its basically abt law haha,
pretty cool i wld say,at least i can shoot ppl nxt time muahaha,
n the ppl teaching r really lawyers LOL...
200 slots hmm....fighting with god knows how many ppl zzz...
so anyway,the thing doesnt start until dunno how many months later,
so yea,we shall see if im fast enuff to get the gem i wan haha :D

L is so cuute!~♥