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Tuesday, 28 September 2010
. 10:52:00 pm

Life sucks,especially when you have 3 needle holes on both your arms.
Went for dental checkup at polyclinic today,
that irritating hidden cavity is finally filled up :D
When I was there I suddenly remember that time
the school wanted us to do a Hepatitis B check
to see if we need any booster shots cos of ITP :/
so yea,I shun bian go for the check lor,
which means need do blood test D:
Its horrible I tell you,
the nurse can't find my vessels cos they are too damn fine :/
She started with my right arm,
poke in needle bo blood,turn needle here and there
got about 0.5cm worth of blood nia,useless amount -.-
In the end try left hand,even worse,
totally no blood at all,the needle she also move here move there
trying to get some damn blood out,but NOTHING D:
I ask her take out and poke in again she like don't want,
cos my mom say the needle move inside ur flesh
will get 1 big patch of bruise O:
then she keep on moving the needle like siao D:
the needle move in left hand more painful than right hand
cos left hand de seriously is like treasure hunting liddat,
search here search there for quite a while :X
Then got this other nurse walk pass she say
mine is the 高难度 kind XDXDXD
She gave up after the second time and brought me
to another person on another floor ask her help me poke.
That person tried finding for any suitable,drawable vessel
on both my arms,in the end she didn't use either arm de,
she use my right backhand de vessel O:
Then thank god finally got blood :D:D:D
You have no idea how happy I was over there LOL,
I keep on thanking that person XD
After that my mom told me actually
use backhand de vessel not good cos it links directly to the heart,
operation use drips also poke that vessel de :/
But who cares,at least I got some blood flowing out :D

Basically,I was poked 3 times,at 3 different places,
on both my left and right arm today.
The pain is quite tolerable,even when the needle
is moving inside me also not much pain,
except for the left hand one,that 1 I a bit BTH liao LOL
Now my right arm got slight bruise le,
left arm and right backhand not yet,
tomorrow cannot go extra training :/
I scared I injure myself further,
somemore scarly the bruise develop overnight
then later I go there tio own :/
I guess I have pretty thick skin haha ^^

L is so cuute!~♥

Sunday, 26 September 2010
. 4:20:00 pm

WHOOO~ I got my gi,belt,sword bag,plastice tube,
bokken and chokken yesterday!!!
Helmet have to wait until next week :/
~~~Happy happy~~~
though it really feels weird carrying the sword bag on public transport,
its long so it'll hit people easily if iI turn around XD
In the mean time,I'm trying to name my bokken and chokken,
fyi,bokken is wooden sword,chokken is the foam sword :D
I'm open to ideas haha,but the names must be japanese,
it'll be better if you can provide me the kanji form ^^
So yea.....I think I'm a little.....weapon obssessed right now :/
and I think I'll start talking to my bokken and chokken soon enough,
of course I won't talk to them when my family is around,
maybe erm before I sleep or something,
the last thing I want is them sending me to see a psychiatrist >.<

Saw Howard yesterday,he kope my subway drink ):
though frankly speaking I don't feel like finishing the whole cup haha
my bro was swinging the bokken yesterday and
my knuckle got hit by it....ouch
somehow I think I tie my red belt a bit weirdly :/
and I haven wash my gi and belt yet XD
ohohoh,I took this quiz 'Will you pass 8th grade Spanish'
and I got 7 out of 8 correct without any help,(it was previously 6/8)
just some random gut feeling :D
talk about pro shit guessing skill XD
I've got the magic in me -Magic by b.o.b
nice song hahaha

L is so cuute!~♥

Monday, 20 September 2010
. 1:32:00 am

haha since I have nothing better to do,
I shall update on mid-autumn festival then :D
haha its fun,but I got scammed by some of the juniors D:
knowing quite a few lower sec juniors is a bad thing,
especially during maf,
cos they will make u buy something from their stall :/
I spent about 10 bucks at the stalls,
kinda below my expectations I guess
(which is a good thing of cos)
Selling the 'limited edition' Nan Hua bear for 50 bucks
is like daylight robbery,
which is also why they only sold 1 bear after few hours
(I wonder who that dumb person is XD)
and then they bo bian lower the price to 20 bucks XD
after they lowered the price more than 15 ppl bought it hahaha,
I heard still got a lot in stock so its not limited edition hahaha :/
its great seeing everyone again,
and I get to crap with huiying again,
srsly,i miss the days we go home tgt and talk abt random stuff (:
too lazy to upload the photos gahhhh,
not much of it anyway XD
oh wells,I wonder when will I get to see everyone again XD

woohoo,extra kenjutsu session on wednesday for free,
but the senseis won't be coming down=not enough equipment,
den how the hell r we going to spar :/
oh wells,we'll see how it goes then ^^

L is so cuute!~♥

Saturday, 18 September 2010
. 11:17:00 pm

Kenjutsu competition today,damn shag,
woke up at 5.30am,reach SP at 7am just to sweep
the friggin huge sports hall,ended up my index finger got 1 huge blister sia,
halfway thru the competition it burst w/o me noticing lol,
now touch water will pain sia.... T_T
so yea,im in-charge of registration,all lot of stuff need to take note of,
need do writing and handle money -.-
we r like super stressed out LOL
so yea,primary school kids started 1st,
they quite cute lar haha,some really not bad,
den secondary sch nobody came cos exams i think =.=
the kenjutsu under 14 category both my seniors get 1st n 2nd :D
after that got break,
didn't exactly buy heavy meals,
just cheese fries and subway cookie XD
when we got back we play a bit here n there den
do a bit of ashi warm up lol
swordplay competition,womens category 1st=my group start 1st :/
basically,350 spar with 353,351 with 354
and 352 got nobody to spar with for the elimination round
cos only 5 girls -.-
and yes,im the lucky 1,my number is 352,
which means that I confirm can get medal liao =.=
so yea,in the end i got 3rd place w/o scoring a single point,
i know its epic but i dun feel happy AT ALL,
its like i dun think i deserve it sia,
actually byright got 1 point de,
my sensei also say i can get de,
but 2 referees nvr see only he see (main ref) so not counted :/
u need 2 referees to agree b4 point is given,
so yea,it sucks big time ):
oh wells,at least I pay 10 bucks still can get something haha,
or else after 1 round out den like waste money :X
after our group's prize presentation I finally get to
whack Zack sensei using my rolled up certificate :D:D:D
he called me vertically-challenged on forum D:
byright last week I want to whack de
but he not there,attending lecture at NTU I think -.-
so yea,happy :D

OH,I K.O.ed during the guys turn,
i was sleeping on referee table sia haha,
srsly damn tired n damn shag :/
haha,den end le is seniors' turn,
the female category only 2 girls nia so confirm each
can get 1 medal XD
after prize presentation ceremony we got mass war game \^^/
basically is everyone split into 2 groups,
red helmets n black helmets,den u kena hit once u 'die'
every1 take black sia,in the end like black got 19
den red got around 12 :/ im in red wan take black but all taken >.<
out of 4 round we win 1 nia,actually unfair lei,
they got more ppl :/ haha 1 of my senpai give me chokken,
so sorta advantage,but we haven learn chokken yet so like no diff -.-
heck,black team got 1 guy take double kodachi D:
haha,i also dunno how we win de,
i only rmb i killed abt 4 ppl :D
byright can kill more de,i lose concentration a bit
nvr hit 1 guy den when i turn around he hit me ):
basically,fun n stinky day today :D
P.S. Hi Howard,stop doing retarded things u blog stalker XD
P.P.S. Hi Hui Ying,say hi to ur dollfies for me :D

L is so cuute!~♥

Friday, 10 September 2010
. 9:43:00 pm

haha,i was editing my template,added howard's tumblr to the links XD
n oh,hy,i use gabby's photo (the 1 u showed me on msn) as
my desktop background,hope u dun mind haha :X
maths on mon,25 marks fly away,
i threw lots of smoke bombs,like really a lot,
especially for the one's i dunno how to do,anyhow whack XD
hopefully can get method marks -.-
somemore the paper start damn late,4pm ):
cell bio paper was yst(thurs),
i used up 2cm worth of pen ink (the signo 0.38 pen) D:
exam starts at 9am,saw dr yuen(my cell bio lecture,damn strict)
n entered the same lift as her :O
amazingly she's in a gd mood,whew,
she was telling me to relax cos she said i looked tense,
actually its cos i wan go poo -.- (okok,i know,tmi)
the day b4 our cb paper (it sounds like the bad word,but hey,double meaning XD),
we went back to sch to collect our test paper,
well,its a disappointment haha,but i anticipated it
cos i didnt really put in effort to study,
we went to lib n booked a proj room to revise,
after 1 hr some of us got distracted n started playing
either taptap on itouch or cooking mama on DS -.- (i played both :X)
but anyway,after our lunch we went to her room to find her
cos we got qns,n i saw on the chair in front of me is
a stack of reports (the 1 i chionged till 5am de) n
on the table in front of me is a pile of datasheets,
luckily she gd mood :D
after she clarify our doubts n went thru the whole test paper
i ask her for fun whether we did well for our report n datasheets,
den she say "go ahead n take",we tio stun O:
so yea,we took out our own papers from that huge stack,
den she go thru our datasheets n reports as well,
glad she went thru all of it,
it turns out some of qns for our exam is similar
to the test n the datasheets :D:D:D
obviously i wrote everything down the exact way she told us to,
she didnt give us any hints,just went thru the papers religiously LOL
really happy about my 29 page report,
i get 29/30 :D i think highest bah,
or mayb got some1 29.5,not very sure,
steven got 29 as well,
jiarong wrote 40 pages n he got 28.5,
moral of story:too much info :X ,
so yea,at least it made sleeping at 5am worthwhile >.<
actually,the reason i slept at 5am is cos the deadline is up,
we have the whole of yog break(3 weeks) to do it
n i left it until the last week den i started to chiong,
so serve me right XD
but yea,to be frank,im surprised.

geez,i've calculated n it turns out i need 86.smth marks
for me to get an A for cell bio,n it doesn't help when
i know that 6 marks r gone cos of mcq :/
IOC(chem) next wednesday x.x
i hope i wun flunk it :/....
mid-autumn coming up,looking forward to it (:
hmm....hope i get to see lots of 406 ppl there :D
ohohoh,my kenjutsu equipment is in sg alr,
took them long enough to ship in from US :/
haha,i think i'll be gettin my gi tmr,
the weapons not so fast bah,
n oh,the red belt i think we'll be gettin it 2 weeks later >.<
haha,now they got a forum pertaining to kenjutsu n stuff,
we talk abt random crap there too,
if u r bored,check it out for fun,esp the relac room XD
lots of erm,weird n funny posts there i guess....MY FERMENTED TOFU!!!
my sensei called me vertically challenged on the forum,
note to self: kick his ass tmr (:

L is so cuute!~♥