Thursday, 14 October 2010
. 1:44:00 am
I wanted to blog but I accidently pressed the back button when I finished typing so yea, I don't wanna type again,at least not for today. GAHHHHH IT'S ANNOYING...stupid lappy now all my hard work went down the drain :/
L is so cuute!~♥
Sunday, 10 October 2010
. 1:39:00 am
Woohoo finally got my helmet :D
24 out of 26 ordered black in the end they bring
12 black 12 red cos out of stock D: so yea,
we have to settle it among ourselves :/
my senior said girls must take at least 2 red and since
1 of the 3 of us present ordered red,
its down to me n another girl.
We decided by using scissors,paper,stone XD
I won the first 2 rounds so YESH,
I get the black one :D:D:D
we were calling our sensei old today LOL!!!
though only 4 years difference XD
One of my senseis was asking us whether we played before
a few board games which everyone have
never heard of,so we call him old hahaha. :P
I was bad enough to say generation gap :X
Everyone was giving me a stunned face >.<
Afterwards,my friend and I was in the kfc queue
which is pretty long. My sensei went up to my friend and
poked her,which resulted in her jumping up. XD
I decided to revenge my friend so I poked him back. XD
I managed to poke him O: I thought he will evade sia O:
He wanted my friend to help him buy but she don't want
so I help him buy lor (feeling guilty for saying generation gap :X)
He then said that I can keep the change *stun*
The change is like $4.60,or in my dad's sense,
两包鸡饭's worth of money.
In the end I gave him back the exact change when
we were waiting for his crispy chicken.
He was like "You can keep."
I'm like "Nevermind....." *give him back* LAWL
Oh ya,the kfc roasta burger ish naice :D:D:D
My senior was sadistic enough to poke the bruise on
my hand when she come over to talk to us :/
not very pain so still nevermind haha,
I was too busy enjoying the burger anyway XD
L is so cuute!~♥
Thursday, 7 October 2010
. 1:06:00 am
Timetable for Semester 2 is S.C.R.E.W.E.D.
Especially our lecturers :/
I shall start with Dr Xu and Mr Xu,
yes,both have the surname Xu,
and yes,they have the China accent when they teach,
I'm ok with Dr Xu's accent
(though sometimes you really can't get what he's trying to say),
as for Mr Xu,I have no idea,
but I'm still considering having both of them for lecturers as screwed,
but not as bad as the next one.
This guy,Dr E (I can't spell his full name cos I have no idea),
is gonna teach us TWO modules,
no,that is not the bad news (it is still pretty bad :/),
the problem is,most people can't understand his English
due to his indian accent (I am NOT racist :X).
I have a cca friend in DBS who was taught by him in
Semester 1 and she can't understand a single damn thing he taught. :/
Let's just pray hard and hope that I will be able
to decipher what he's teaching. XD
I shall now discuss about what I analysed from the timetable.
1) Thursday sucks,school starts at 8am and ends at 6pm.
2) We have practicals on Weds,Thurs and Fri,
which is 1 more than Stage B (I started with stage B in Sem 1).
3) Most of our lessons are held in T6, and it's a good thing.
4) Lesson starts at 12.30pm on Tuesday and ends at 5pm
with an 1 hour break in between. I love it.
5) Our buddy class's timetable is nicer than ours ):
Bleh,got my results,my GPA is 3 (out of 4),
not good,but mainly cos I've been slacking....a little....
okok A LOT :/
What do you expect,I'm not the Vice-president of
my class's slackers club for nothing XD
Oh well,I sorta disbanded it -.-
Gah,my chem is a FRIGGIN D+,such an eyesore,
without chem i would have gotten a MUCH better GPA :/
Maths is my 1 and only A,kinda surprised I guessed,
mainly cos I think I lost at least 15-20 marks in the paper :X
Hmm,I get 3 B+ and 1 B for the rest of the modules,
that's about it.
My friend's GPA is 3.95! O:
James told me he's is 4.0,
though Hiok Ann was pretty skeptical about it. *shrugs*
Yesterday's extra training is CRAZY.
I kinda half regretted going for it
(I will never fully regret going for any session) *grins*
Lots of stretching here and there,
which I'm ok with since I'm quite flexible :X
The last straw came when we did what I labelled as the 'Frog jump'.
Basically,what you have to do is to
get into standing board jump position and jump from
1 end of the badminton court to another end and come back.
You have to jump continuouslly and yea,
I managed to jump back to starting point using my
sheer will (and my legs of course),
and mind you,we did lots of other stuff before that. :/
After I finish that jump,I lie on the floor,
though its quite dirty (heck,I'm dying so who cares XD).
Aria can't take it anymore and started feeling really unwell.
She have problems standing up (not that I don't),
my legs are shaking too :/
The president ask me take her go outside to take in some fresh air
cos its slightly stuffy in the Polycentre :/
We got to skip the next round of torture :D
To be frank I wasn't feeling very good too,
but not as bad as her,she rested for the rest of the training.
So yea,I'm expecting severe muscle aches tomorrow :/
Kinda got distracted when I'm writing this post so yea,
I sorta forgot what I wanted to write XD
[continue from where I last stop,date is 7/10/10 9.20pm]
I shall continue from where I left off :D
I got my breath back after roughly 15 minutes,
took care of Aria until she felt better then I run off
and join the rest cos the president is teaching them Cut 2.
I missed the front part so he taught me again
when the rest are practicing,
After that we went on to do another kind of sparring.
Kinda hard to describe but I shall try. (:
8 of us have enough energy to spar so
there will be 1 guy standing in the centre of the court,
the remaining 7 will stand around him at
the perimeter of the court.
The president will them proceed on to giving each of us a number,1 to 7.
When he calls a particular number,
that person will rush up and spar with the guy in the centre.
The guy in the centre have totally no idea where the attack is
coming from,thus allowing sneak attacks especially when 2 numbers are called.
When the next number is called,
the previous number will retreat back.
I totally backslashed the guy in the centre LOL,
cos another guy is sparring with him and he
was backfacing me. :D
We had a little chat when we were cleaning our helmets
and I asked the president who's gonna take over him haha.
So yea,the new committee have already been decided,
and I'm part of it. XD
Muscle aches tak boleh tahan!!!
L is so cuute!~♥
. 12:58:00 am
Haha,I've decided to take a screenshot of Gabby's photo which I used as my desktop background, and no Howard, this post doesn't concern you. (:

L is so cuute!~♥
Saturday, 2 October 2010
. 9:33:00 pm
gah,not feeling well,I caught a cold :/
which reminds me of what Mr Wee once said,
'english language is a funny language,your feet smells
and your nose runs.' LOLOL!!!
so yea,I went for kenjutsu despite my condition,
which isn't really bad in my opinion,
just that I will feel a bit 手软,
should be cos of the medicine XD
geez,I seriously need to work on my footwork and strike....
and maybe defence.....ok thats basically everything :/
we collected our grading certificates today,
everyone passed (like duhhhh) :D
after everything ended the president ask
all the girls (4 of us present today) whether
anyone of us want to take up the position
of secretary or social&welfare head cos
the committee must have at least 2 girls XD
the secretary is in-charge of proposals and
meetings related stuff (which I have a phobia of bcos of sec sch)
Social&Welfare head is like the 'care bear',
if members disappear for a few weeks must
call them and ask them anything happen and stuff like that.
Inaz and Aria were like half expecting me and YingZhi to
take up the positions LOL,I could tell from their reactions,
so now its between me and YingZhi to decide who take which position,
and as you would have known,proposals is not my kind of thing,
somemore english need to be quite good,
then er my english damn cui nowadays LOL,
so I force YingZhi to take the secretary position
and this is how I did it.
Me: 'YingZhi you take secretary lar,your english better than me'
YingZhi:' sure a not'
Me:'Your O level english grade is what?'
Me:'Ar see,your english A2 my english B3,your english better
so you take secretary,ok set!'
-proceeds on to telling the president-
muhahaha,I know I'm evil,
pushing the position I don't want to take to other people XD
after the library proposal I wrote for the revamping of
library last year I don't want write anymore le :X
We are waiting for Rachel to come back from her vacation in USA
to ask her if she wants to take any position a not,
but Inaz say she like not interested lei :/
after kenjutsu I went to FC5 to find jac they all,
feels so weird sia,1st time nvr eat with kenjutsu ppl at FC5,
then when sensei Zack walk into FC5
he stand beside me pinching on to something,
my eyes wasn't really focused so
I couldn't tell what it was that he's holding on to,
then he said 'Spider.'.
so I squint my eyes then see the spider hanging by the thread,
my sensei was holding onto to thread,
I pause a bit cos I was thinking whether
I should touch the thread or stand up,
and I finally gave a response,'Oh.'
I bet he was expecting me to scream but too bad,
I'm not afraid of spiders,in fact,I killed 1 a few weeks back :3
refusing to give up,he move the spider closer to me
then I siam away cos I don't want the spider land on me :X
then after that I told him 'you think I will scream ar?'
I couldn't really tell what he replied cos of
1)my bad hearing maybe or
2)he can't be bothered with saying it coherently :/
so yea,he took the spider away in the end -.-
his attempt to disiao me failed :3
try again next time dude,I'll be waiting :D
I'm contemplating if I should disiao him later on facebook LOL
just saw it on news,Mrs Lee Kuan Yew passed away,
damn sad sia,though she quite qiang,live until 89,
I don't even know if I can live until 79 XD
so yea,RIP T_T
played monopoly in school,and as usual I ended up
with the least amount of money at the end,
I'm such a noob :/
L is so cuute!~♥