Sunday, 15 May 2011
I'm a zai kia
. 4:49:00 pm
Year 2. Looking back at all the photos taken in Year 1 on facebook makes me realize how fast a year passed by and its only going to get faster. All the crap modules taken in Year 1 are gone now, replaced with 5 core modules of which I think I will need 5 brains to memorise all the information, it's just plain memory work. :/ (was distracted by nico nico while posting :3)
Anyway, I'm really happy that 35 people wish to join our cca after 3 trial sessions :D though I'm kinda disappointed that out of 35,only 4 girls T_T and I know the guys are not pleased, even if they don't show it. :x Like what my club president said, "The guys want more girls to join because they want more eyecandy" -.- wtf. Still expecting the number of newcomers to drop over the next few months, let's just hope that it won't be too much. :l And oh whee, we are going to have a Kenjutsu camp in June!!! Waiting for the proposal to be approved by school's CCA IC, hope he doesn't forget, or else have to delay again liao. D: Oh well, I'm the secretary and tresurer for the camp, gotta chase people for munneh in the future (which isn't hard considering how I have everyone's contact because I'm the Social & Welfare head and have to take attendance every week). XD (came back from taking some ben's & jerry ice cream,damn, I'm seriously taking too much time just to post a post)
Hohoho I'm a zai photo tagger on fb :D my senior was amazed at my tagging speed after he uploaded the photos he took during training using his dslr. Oh oh oh,we have a birthday bash after training! Pity that birthday guy. XD

Feel my awesomeness yo!
L is so cuute!~♥
Monday, 2 May 2011
. 2:54:00 am
CCA showcase (27-29 Apr) was pretty fun :D
we managed to get 85 people to sign up in 3 days,
pretty good,but not as good as the other CCAs,
so now our main focus is to get them to stay :D
(talking abt CCA I just realized I forgot to read the camp proposal -.=)
the tryout session was yesterday n all that I
could say was that they were.....rather aggressive.
We call it freshmeat day,a day where we finally
upgrade to seniors n get to whack the hell out of juniors.
The beginning was kinda boring so I shall skip to the sparring part.
Sparring is seniors against juniors,FRESHMEAT =D
(man,i sound like some cannibal on the lose)
Have to use non-master hand sia,
whack them also not shuang+speed decrease+
chances of them hitting us increase ):
So imagine our happy faces when our sensei
say we can switch back to our master hand.
Suddenly you see everyone in my batch power up LOL.
Second week of school ended.
Year 2 sucks.
More complicated stuff to remember,
more lab sessions,
more equipments need to learn how to use.
Not to mention the flow cytometer cost a quarter million dollars,
if I spoil it GG.
Argh,whole of this week got to bring lab coat.
Tues need to feed the cells,Weds need to seed the cells,
Thurs need to give drug treatment to the cells
then Fri start with experiment 2. D:
Same lab visit 4 days,damn sian can?
L is so cuute!~♥