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Sunday 6 May 2012
8 months later.... . 2:44:00 pm

Ok ok I know it has been a really longgggg time since my last post, 8 months to be exact wow. I hope someone still visits, yoohoo Hui Ying, the only person that reads my blog. Don't worry, I still drop by your blog as least once a week XD.

Alright update on my life. School first then. Going to be the 4th week of Year 3 next week, Year 3 feels so busy and my STM is not helping me at all. I'm forever asking my friend what assignment we have etc. :/ The first 2 weeks were kind of tense, everyone was fighting for FYP titles uh. End of the day, I get a title thats not my group's first choice, but we don't mind that title either so I guess its alright. Till now I still can't say out my FYP title in full -.- . Detection of Enumeration of Sulphate Reducing Bacteria (SRB) in Potential Microbial-Induced Corrosion. FYP title why you so long. D: Oh well, I hope it'll be smooth sailing, and that my group won't fight or anything, that's probably the worst.

Hmm CCA has been pretty much like usual. Next week is going to be my black belt grading. Please oh please no mistakes. A total of 116 students signed up for my CCA during the CCA Carnival 2 weeks back. First day was really good, 74 in a day and then it went downhill. About 60 freshmen turned up for the trial and I actually missed the fresh meat day. ): Stupid flu. You know, even though I've stepped down from my committee position (upgrade to mentor liao), it still feels like I'm doing some of the work and I'm not the only one. The new batch of committee has been rather.....passive. No doubt they are busy in Year 2 and stuff but still....having the mentors do their stuff for them? Haiz...I really do hope the President will really talk to them.

I realise I actually didn't mind staying in the background. Not so much for lessons but more for club I guess. I was more of hmm....attention seeking I would say back in Year 1 and 3/4 of Year 2, and no doubt the 'bullying target' for most of them. Then for some reason I started talking lesser and lesser till nobody seems to notice me anymore. Well they still do, just that I've been talking less. XD
 Maybe this is a sign of growing old.

L is so cuute!~♥

Friday 7 October 2011
. 12:58:00 pm

Updating blog now cos I'm bored. Like really bored. So yea, RIP Steve Jobs. Come to think of it, I realise I don't have a single Apple product. XD Timetable's out, Monday starts at 11am and the rest of the week starts at 8am,wts. Thursdays will be a killer to my brain and sanity, 4 hours of lessons, 1 hour of break, and then 4 hours of lessons, can die one wor. D: And whoo~ I got my Harvard tee yay~ going to wear it during exams (cos I'm totally delusional) and maybe I'll do better. :D Looking back at the last 5 weeks of my holidays, I'm proud to say that I still have my rotting skills, maybe even level up in rotting. :D

Hmm....extra trainings....can't help it but feel like I'm the person in-charge of it (I think I really am -.-). President turned up for the 2 weeks only so I'm basically the one in-charge for the rest of the weeks. :/ Bo bian la, need somebody to lead the juniors and make sure everything is in order also. He did drop by occasionally and then rush back to the lab for his FYP. Now that one of the i/c for competition is back, I'm a lot more relaxed now, but still....my work is still this much. :l 2 guys have been telling me on separate occasions that I should be the next club President, which is totally bad news. No way in hell am I going to takeover Kith's job after seeing how much stuff he has to settle and handle (I would say more than mine). Facial expression when I first hear Buff Lord telling me that: O.O --> D: --> :/ --> :l I'm getting sick and tired of handling club stuff now, I was pretty happy doing my own social & welfare stuff, attendance taking and all that, until I have to help out with the planning of competition stuff. -.- Ask this guy give me a list of logistics stuff we need to borrow from school, sent him 2 lists previously done by the guy i/c, still can tell me he working. Wtf, your work got so tired until cannot even give me the list ar? Somemore got 2 lists for you to see already, don't even need 30mins can already finish liao lor. Tsk, somemore your buddy put your name as the logistic i/c, if you get cca points I'm going to be so pissed. D: I got a feeling I'll end up doing the list myself. :/

I harto the feeling of being enveloped by your aura.

L is so cuute!~♥

Wednesday 14 September 2011
. 1:40:00 am

It's been about 2.5 months since I last blogged. Long time I know, but I just can't seem to find the mood to update until now at this god forsaken hour. So many things to ramble about and yet I don't know where to start.

Hmm, just read hy's blog, shall update about MAF then. Like what she've said, everyone same same but different now. A quote from XXXHolic then, "Every encounter, not matter how brief, changes a person." (I might have added a few words of my own inside there XD) I was still suffering from the side-effects of exams so I was a bit crazy. XD Kept on telling ji "long time no see" until she got totally sick of it. XD But its true, I really do miss everyone and yet I don't dare to disturb them because it is afterall, their A level year. Here I am enjoying my 6 weeks holidays now when everyone else is mugging. :/ Somehow, even though I have my own clique in school (currently 5 girls 3 guys), I'm still not as close to them as I am to my sec 4 clique. Hell, I think I'm even closer to some guys as compared to girls. No idea why, but I'm not showing my whole real self to most people, out of fear maybe? I don't even know what I'm fearing or feeling insecure about. Oh hy,the thing I told you about on mrt, you are the only female that knows. XD

Am I biting off more than what I can chew? I've been asking myself that for the past week. I'm doing so much stuff for my CCA to the point that I'll update the alumni seniors and master of the latest announcements. My senior calls me (sometimes the president) when she needs clarification. I get the feeling I'm doing my social & welfare job AND the vice-president job at the same time. -.- Don't even get me started on the VP, he doesn't even show up for trainings. We'll be having a Kenjutsu competition at the end of October and both my club president and I settling loads of stuff for the competition. Can't help it I guess, both the guys in-charge of it are overseas having their attachments, everyone else in the committee having attachments too, so I've got to do more stuff I guess. Its like filling in for everyone and doing my own job at the same time until one of the guys IC of the competition planning is back. Got to hold on until then. My president is in the same situation, he's having his FYP. :/ Good experience though, to be involved in the planning of a somewhat big event, meeting school officers to discuss about details, requesting for this and that, informing the rest of the busy committee and alumni about the latest updates, learning about the procedures etc. But I guess we are lucky to have an efficient and helpful officer to help us we the logistics stuff. :D Awesome dude I tell you. (Y)

Harvard did not pick me. Fine with it, the rest of the applicants are better than me so I'm not surprised. My lecturer did call me to ask if I wanted to apply for overseas attachment at Cornell University. I told her ok so currently waiting for the results. Another guy in my class applied for it too. Only 1 slot, sub-zero temperatures, I'll come back more independent if I do get picked me thinks. Doesn't help when the furthest I've travelled to is Thailand and have never been to winter country. Unless you count in Snow City. XD

Really long post, even I'm surpised at how much I've typed. It'll make up for last 2 months of inactivity. XD

L is so cuute!~♥

Sunday 26 June 2011
Everyday I'm Shuffling~ . 1:57:00 am

Hmm I shall update before July, you know, just to show it in my archive. :D This week is full of achievements. First, I managed to listen to Nyan cat for 3040 seconds. Second, my fever reached 39.4 degree Celcius on Tuesday, which is a personal record. Third, its MST next week and I covered only 2 chapters so far (new slacker achievement unlocked). Bleh, 2 group reports, 1 report whole group don't care, the other one left discussion for my part and got to compile everything together. And whee~ Grading is over, I ISH BLUE BELT NAOOOO. Still not very used to the addition of juniors, like er I kind of miss having the whole Polycentre to ourselves. XD On a side note, my hair is longer now, somewhere around Rukia's hair length. Bleh, I think it looks a little bit like Rukia's hairstyle sometimes cos my hair will curl slightly when its too long, the only thing missing is the extra long fringe in the center. :3 Gah, I'm skipping Cosfest this year, kind of sad but no choice, reports and MST more important (not like I did much today but oh well). Hmm, the notable stuff that happended during this 3 weeks break: Grading, Leadership & CCA conference, DSD finally updating my cca records which was last updated on 2/3/11, my cca friend telling me about stuff that change my pespective of certain people in the club and discovering that my senior lives 400 metres away from me. Whee...free car ride to school for CCA on Saturday now, but nah, he still have to fetch my senseis from NTU. The Leadership & CCA conference is pretty interesting even though the buffet kind of sucked. Its interesting listening to the women Everest team talking about their experiences there lol. The second part of the conference meant for CCA committees only were....informative. And thank goodness for the new format. No more proposals, just fill in this A4 size paper, attach the relevant stuff behind and you are done. They must have been real pekchek reading all the proposals LOL. Gah, 4 points away from Gold for CCA D:< I'm so friggin random.

L is so cuute!~♥

Sunday 15 May 2011
I'm a zai kia . 4:49:00 pm

Year 2. Looking back at all the photos taken in Year 1 on facebook makes me realize how fast a year passed by and its only going to get faster. All the crap modules taken in Year 1 are gone now, replaced with 5 core modules of which I think I will need 5 brains to memorise all the information, it's just plain memory work. :/ (was distracted by nico nico while posting :3)

Anyway, I'm really happy that 35 people wish to join our cca after 3 trial sessions :D though I'm kinda disappointed that out of 35,only 4 girls T_T and I know the guys are not pleased, even if they don't show it. :x Like what my club president said, "The guys want more girls to join because they want more eyecandy" -.- wtf. Still expecting the number of newcomers to drop over the next few months, let's just hope that it won't be too much. :l And oh whee, we are going to have a Kenjutsu camp in June!!! Waiting for the proposal to be approved by school's CCA IC, hope he doesn't forget, or else have to delay again liao. D: Oh well, I'm the secretary and tresurer for the camp, gotta chase people for munneh in the future (which isn't hard considering how I have everyone's contact because I'm the Social & Welfare head and have to take attendance every week). XD (came back from taking some ben's & jerry ice cream,damn, I'm seriously taking too much time just to post a post)

Hohoho I'm a zai photo tagger on fb :D my senior was amazed at my tagging speed after he uploaded the photos he took during training using his dslr. Oh oh oh,we have a birthday bash after training! Pity that birthday guy. XD

Feel my awesomeness yo!

L is so cuute!~♥

Monday 2 May 2011
. 2:54:00 am

CCA showcase (27-29 Apr) was pretty fun :D
we managed to get 85 people to sign up in 3 days,
pretty good,but not as good as the other CCAs,
so now our main focus is to get them to stay :D
(talking abt CCA I just realized I forgot to read the camp proposal -.=)
the tryout session was yesterday n all that I
could say was that they were.....rather aggressive.
We call it freshmeat day,a day where we finally
upgrade to seniors n get to whack the hell out of juniors.
The beginning was kinda boring so I shall skip to the sparring part.
Sparring is seniors against juniors,FRESHMEAT =D
(man,i sound like some cannibal on the lose)
Have to use non-master hand sia,
whack them also not shuang+speed decrease+
chances of them hitting us increase ):
So imagine our happy faces when our sensei
say we can switch back to our master hand.
Suddenly you see everyone in my batch power up LOL.

Second week of school ended.
Year 2 sucks.
More complicated stuff to remember,
more lab sessions,
more equipments need to learn how to use.
Not to mention the flow cytometer cost a quarter million dollars,
if I spoil it GG.
Argh,whole of this week got to bring lab coat.
Tues need to feed the cells,Weds need to seed the cells,
Thurs need to give drug treatment to the cells
then Fri start with experiment 2. D:
Same lab visit 4 days,damn sian can?

L is so cuute!~♥

Wednesday 16 March 2011
. 2:49:00 am

Another attempt at posting a blog post after seeing
hy's blog being constantly updated LOL.
I didn't read her blog for quite some time,
so yea....have to catch up from top to bottom. XD
6 weeks of holidays with this being the 2nd week :D
What I've been doing for the past 1 week have been pretty mundane :l
The IT show and CCA training sessions kind of prevent me
from rotting further at home, that is, if you consider
playing Monster Hunter 3 on my PSP as a non-rotting activity XD
I would say as a newbie to this game, I need further honing of skills lol
The graphics is really good for a Capcom game which
impressed me LAWL (I always thought capcom produces games
with sucky graphics :x)

We've(my cca) discovered the ancient art of chominton!!!
Chominton=Chokken (long foam sword) + badminton
Yup, no kidding, we played badminton with the foam swords,
or what I would like to put in a nicer way, precision training :D
Kind of hard for a person with my stature to play
because of the sword length -.-
It's rather interesting LOL, so far the only thing
I can do properly is serving the shuttlecock XD
My sensei was free enough to drop by today cos
NTU having 1 week break also (Y)
We seriously need his help LOL
(as for the other sensei,no idea where he is)
And oh,my sensei showed me his notes LOL
(he's doing a bio-related course in NTU)
Let's just say that my mind did not register much in XD
As usual we spent 4 hours playing Mon Hunt 3 in FC5 lol
(our best record was 6 hours XD)
I'm just glad that I went for today's(or should I say yesterday XD) training,
sensei personally coached the girls (4 of us) while
ex-taichou coached the guys (4 also) on wooden sword training.
It's not something we get to do everyday you know.
For the current syllabus you have to be at least brown belt
before you learn bokken but they are revising it *prays*
I'm amazed that my arms are able to take it,
no muscle ache at all WHEE~

LOL huiying I kinda ran out of things to write so
I went back to your blog for inspirations XD
-starts looking through the posts-
Ah,I shall talk about relationships then.
This guy in my CCA told me some dude likes me.
I'm like o.O
well apparently the status dare on fb and placing
my relationship status as JI with me made him
divulge that information (for some weird reason).
So yeap, I WAS curious and asked him for hints.
Narrowed down to possibly 4 people (23 guys in my cca).
My secret: the power of attendance taking :D
His hint and the number of people who attended the training
made the list shrink like siao (training was optional cos of exams)
My other cca friend,this girl,she kind of consulted me
regarding some problem so I kinda shun bian tell her about it,
I mean come on,2 pairs of eyes observing is better than 1 right?
After chatting with her made me realize
'Hey,why should I care. I mean,all of them are on my reject list LOL'
So yea,decided not to bother myself with it anymore.
(My instincts did pinpoint the person out,but can't be sure xD)
Ignorance is bliss I guess.....

I don't know why,but people are asking me to get attached -.-
not exactly ask but trying to subconsciously make me find 1 :/
(psshh,howard is worried I will remain single for a long time)
But I don't see what's wrong with remaining single,
plus I have no major crush so far.
And let's just say I think my standards are kind of high :x
No idea why,but I feel my standards are high LOL
(scarly low to other people sia XD)
Then again on the other hand,I know my worth so yea...

Ok I seriously got bored of blogging.
Taa taa~

L is so cuute!~♥

Friday 4 March 2011
. 2:01:00 am

SWEET~ 2 weeks of hell is finally over,
now 6 weeks of rotting at home :D
I can already foresee what this holiday is gonna revolve around.
Laptop,PSP,Maplestory (I know I know,I'm still occasionally playing it -.-),
going out,CCA trainings (some crazy idiot suggested thrice a week),
Freshman Orientation and cosplay events.
YOSH! My PSP revived!!!
Went for the FOP meeting 14 hours ago,
oh wow,my course is the only course that has a reduction
in the number of classes, from 4 classes
to 3 classes this year,some more same intake of 80 students o.o
so on average each class has around.....27-28 ppl D:
I'm just glad that I'm born a year early :D
Woah,I just realized DSD finally update my CCA points,
from 28 to 33,SWEE,
now my CCA silver le (like finally) \^o^/
Helping out with that sports program for DPA freshman
gave me 5 service points :D
luckily not participation points,
(participation points caps at 10) or else only
3 effective points liao, heng.

Sian,CCA camp might be cancelled ):
oh wells,we'll see what the new taichou says then.
taa taa~

L is so cuute!~♥

Tuesday 15 February 2011
. 1:09:00 am

Happy belated V day LOL
As usual,I'm still single XD
So yea,here's a poem for V day I found on a fanfic. Enjoy.

If I told you I love you
what would you think
Would you think I was crazy
would your heart just sink?
If I told you I love you
what would you do
Would you leave me as quick as you could
or say that you love me too
If I told you I love you
would everything change
Or would you forget about it
or think I was strange
If I told you I love you
would you believe it deep inside
Would your feelings for me change
is it worth the tears I never cried
Should I tell you I love you
I really don't know?
I'm so afraid
I don't want you to go
I'll tell you I love you
I really know I do
But don't ever forget
who said it to you

L is so cuute!~♥